Chapter 233 - Stay and Fight (1/2)

Chapter 233 - Stay and Fight

A few hours later -

Aldrich sat on the roof of a arhly decked out in noenre that nohly post-apocalyptic

Everything looked al scrapped froether, guns crauns, and tribal accessories like metal horns attached to the car's front

"How do you like my baby, huh?" Clint sat beside Aldrich, a beer bottle in his hand The bottle looked almost like a toy prop compared to Clint's enormous size

Aldrich himself was quite tall at around two meters, but Clint was half amutant Alters whose powers pers even run?" said Aldrich He also had a beer in his hand He had been outside of the cohts, when Clint spotted him and asked him to sit down and have a talk over a drink "No offense, of course, but they just seeard at all for weight or physics"

"I dunno', shi+t's too coines Powered by fuckin' geostorht?"

"Geostoreostorms were basically just natural disasters with no real value to theh variants did play a part, were the biggest reason why approximately 42 of Earth was still inhospitable

They were not just ordinary natural disasters They were supernatural in origin, powered by large swells of Ether within the planet

Just like how Alter organs could process ether into countless different effects, geostorms seemed to use ether in remarkably unpredictable yet invariably destructive ways

Fire stor stor effect you could think of, geostorms could probably eostorularly cross, but of course, nomads had to deal with them as a way of life

"The storms are the reason we can fuel most of our tech," said Gerard He had joined in on this conversation as well, sitting beside Clint with a bottle of liquor instead of beer "They release highly enriched ether in gas form whenever they pass, and some of us, stormchasers as we're called, follow the story for us to use"

"You can't wait for the storms to pass?" asked Aldrich

"I wish Wouldn't loseof his bottle "The enriched ether decays rapidly You look at a storm after it's passed, even just half an hour later, and there's nothing

Not even the Panopticon risks harvesting storms Only nomads like us that need to do e need to do to survive

It's kind of poetic in a way

Storreatest threat, but also our livelihood

Reminds me of the yellow river in ancient China Millions lived by its life giving waters Millions died by its raging floods"

"Yellow river? You didn't strike me as the type to quote stuff frolobal society, don't we? Well, as global as can be with half of it in the wastes

But I spent a decade there, actually, when I was young and wanted to explore the world more," said Gerard He raised his fist in the air, and froy forn students"

"Sifu?" Aldrich remarked, mildly surprised

Sifu was one of China's S class heroes and a legend within Alter history, being one of the extre he predated the Altering itself He was al order to the country after superpowered villains labeling thee chunks of it

"Yeah" Gerard said with a proud s as can be I look sixty, boy, but you best be aware that I'm almost a hundredQi in person Thought it was limited to China," said Aldrich

Sifu possessed an Editor class power that he called Qi that allowed him to create a 'dantian' within hiy - the colloquial terans - and convert it into powerful physical reinforce process, though it did not make him immortal

By now, Sifu was probably a hundred and sixty years old, give or take, and age had weakened his powers considerably But his legacy hat made Sifu so important

As an Editor, Sifu could manipulate other Alters' powers More specifically, if an Alter had the potential, he could have therow a dantian as well The dantian was in effect a secondary growth si qi

Not everyone could grow a dantian and a those that could, not all could use it effectively But still, enough people were compatible with it that it let Sifu create a personal arovernment, once re-established, took Sifu in as a national asset

A thoroughly guarded one, too The government let essentially no outsiders learn under Sifu

The fact that Gerard did n al just how old he was

"You really are old," continued Aldrich "Considering you n"

"Bah, still spry enough to thron in a fight if I have to," said Gerard, insulted He side eyed Aldrich "That's one thing I wanted to talk to you about