Chapter 232 [Bonus Chapter] EileensConversation (1/2)

Chapter 232 [Bonus Chapter] Eileen'sConversation

[Bonus chapters are now online again! More golden tickets = more chapters!]

Outside, in the Nomad Compound, around the same time as Aldrich's talk with Blackwater -

Eileen sat on a bench with Stella, wondering at the many cloaked men and women that roa fro I like about this new body, aside fro little heart attacks, is the fact that I don't get drunk any"

Eileen did not really respond, distracted not just by the nomads that she had never really seen up close before, but by what she had seen with Aldrich She was thoroughly scared

Aldrich was not like Minuteman He was colder He did not hesitate to turn that Blackwater student into dust She wondered if she even belonged here

"What's got you all down, kid?" asked Stella She smiled at Eileen "If you feel down, just tell me I'm your senior in both life and herois here?" asked Eileen

"Huh? Why would I be?" Stella cocked her head

"Of Aldrich, he-he seems almost like a villain soree," said Stella simply

"R-really? But you seem so calm and okay with it all…"

"I dunno Maybe I wasn't all that cut out to be a prim n' proper hero like that red and blue boy Minuteed "But y'know, Minuteman DID sponsor him"

"That is true…" Eileen lowered her head

"How old are you? Like seventeen? It's no wonder you're all shaken up Judging by your powers, you'd probably have been trained for rescue ops and mobilization Haven't had to kill anyone then, have you?" said Stella

Eileen shook her head She kneas not uncommon for heroes to have to kill It was a relatively accepted thing, even If a situation got tense, then heroes had authority to use lethal force

Even Minuteman had killed people before Villains that harranted, but still people But that was totally different fro so to kill - it's just a part of this job, and I've been trained for it as well," said Eileen "But killing just to scare people into listening? I don't know about that"

"Hmm Is that what you think?" Stella looked around at the norew up as a nomad too

Not out here in the Wastelands, where there's big stretches of nothing, but in the Forestlands full of overgrown plants and variants

Back there, in the noh up One day, I saw hi unned him down Cold blooded executionPan da

Novel After that, though, nobody stole anything At least not for a while, until the ainst the walls faded

That's what fear does - it keeps people in line And so those Blackwater students - they're the type that fear works on well

You ets a bad rep, but it's necessary so to survive - they've got no time to worry about drawn out trials and appeals and whatnot that you see in a city

shi+t, half the tio behind bars? Unless another exec planned it"