Chapter 231 Blackwater Allegiance (1/2)

Chapter 231 Blackwater Allegiance

Z watched as 'Mr Vane' - whatever his real name was, she did not particularly care - left the Wanyudo

"What do you think of him, Z?" said Knife

"Sharp eyes" Z narrowed her own eyes, re Vane's stare that mirrored hers almost perfectly Eyes weary of the world around them, and yet always aware, always alert

Those were the eyes of so and loss

"True, he did remind me of you somehow, but now that you mention it, it's all in the eyes," said Knife "He could even pass for your son or soination is running a little too wild, Knife Take Fork and Spoon and get some rest I need soive me status reports on their projects"

"Got it, boss," said Knife, and he waved his hand, uards - Spoon and Fork - to follow hi roo into her cup of coffee, staring at herother than the purple glow of her eyes

"V, hter, you've cohed deeply and slid her cup away, not wanting to look at her reflection anymore "But homeā€¦is no place for you"

Z looked at the door that Aldrich left through Her gaze was sharp again "I only hope you've chosen right"

Aldrich walked back into theroom of his base The moment he stepped in, all of the Blackwater students stopped what they were doing to pay heed to hiathered around tables and furniture as they were

Aldrich went to the kitchen area where he looked in the fridge and took out a can of beer He ignored the almost dozen stares etched on him as he opened the can

"What? I can't enjoy a beer?" Aldrich took a sip as he met everyone's stares Son "This isn't like before when you guys got to go out to the city and I couldn't And I think I deserve this after raising you all froh, didn't you kill us?" said a lanky, long haired guy with deeply sunken in, tired golden eyes This was Elias Blackwater's rank 6 with a speed based power that let hi it from others

"Even if I did, I could have just as easily left you all for dead," said Aldrich He raised a brow "I can do that even now, if you want Turning any of you into dust isn't much of an issue for me"

Aldrich took another sip "But I'd prefer not to I'd like for us to be able to enjoy a drink like this all together, even if I ahtly chopped Elias's head "Elias, you idiot, we all talked about this" She nodded towards Aldrich with her pale white eyes "All of us are in agree here Even Elias It's just difficult for hiain, I guess," Elias shrugged and lazily plopped down on a couch "I have no real preference either way, but if you want to do this, Lexis, then I will too"

"You're no Dud to me, either," said Ace "You have undeniable power, plus I hear fro this whole operation I'et a fat chunk of credits"

"Credits won't be a big deal," said Aldrich "And the rest of you?"

"Most of us here are child recruits froroups," said Alexis "We have no real attach, if we're going to get paid under you, then we don't see e shouldn't take your offer p anda

Novel Especially because as Elias somewhat rudely pointed out, ould die otherwise"

"It's good to see we're all starting to get on the sae" Aldrich scanned the room "I know almost all of you are either child soldiers picked up and raised by roups or laboratory experiments You have no real familial attachments to any of these places I can take it thatunder my employ?"

Most of the Blackwater students nodded

"Let's see, if I remember my research correctly, two of you here do still have families you're involved with Gerald and Kat, you that do you think?" said Aldrich