Chapter 230 Meeting With Z (2) (1/2)

Chapter 230 Meeting With Z (2)

"From what I know, nomads and villains are just two sides of the same coin Villains do most of the real cri and transportation" Aldrich said this, but he understood it was only a surface level conception of what the nomads were like

As a city child, it was true that Aldrich knew al about nomads And because nomads were away from society proper, there was very little information about them other than traditional ers and crierous than villains, because villains at least had a vested interest insocietal order for profit

Aldrich understood that thetheir lifestyle away from cities less attractive, but he himself knew precious little about how nomads were or what they valued

Not tohe had - the Odinsons - was not particularly positive, ending in bloodshed

"Technically right, and a very thoroughly city-centric way of looking at it

Both villains and nomads are part of the underworld, but also fundamentally different We share a co in its 'underworld'," said Z

But where villains do so to amass power, nomads like us mostly do so for the sake of freedom The vast majority of us do not or cannot live in cities, so we choose the freedom of the wastelands, no matter how hard the life may be

And because life is hard, noether We share as much as we can That includes ed CIDs, it would be near impossible for nomads like us to survive in the wastelands We do have to enter cities form time to time for supplies, after all

Hence, why my false CIDs are as 'free' as possible Easily reproducible Easily copied Easily updated to escape changing Panopticon security measures via myself or one of e CIDs like you do?" asked Aldrich

"Oh there are plenty," said Z "But I am simply the best"

She said this with athe best was just a simple and natural part of her

"Which is why you're confident about your job security with the Dark Six"

"Correct Of course, if the Dark Six do ainst me, I would sever connections with them But until that happens, I am a neutral party, Mr Vane" Pa nda

Novel "I understand that I wasn't here to try and convince you," said Aldrich

"Oh?" Z took a sip of her coffee She did so through her jaw shaped mask which seemed to have a suction function that drew in the liquid

"There are two things I wanted to discuss with you Or rather, one thing I wanted to discuss, one thing I wanted to tell you Here's what I wanted to discuss: do you trust Des purple stare fro to sow the seeds of discord a us already?"

"No, this was just a question," said Aldrich

"A leading question"

"Will you answer it? I have no issues if you don't"

"H on a relaxed yet confident air "As I have said before, no bonds of trust Desmond is no different

He is an infore spreading far beyond even my comprehension But the fact that he is part of this council e about us to others"

Aldrich raised a questioning brow "And you trust that? This idea of nomadic trust - is it really that solid? I know that look in your eyes It's sharp Wary I don't think soed "No, I do not But I accept it It is sis are in the Wastelands There is precious little space for duplicity Nomads all rely on each other

Without me and my Phantoms, there is no tech

Without Clint and his Spearhorns, there is no muscle

Without Gerard and his Hawks, there is nobody to scout out variants or storms