Chapter 222 Stick And Carrot (1/2)

Chapter 222 Stick And Carrot

"Well, I'll be da," said Ace He was the first to break the silence He smirked as he floated towards Aldrich with his arms crossed

Aldrich's eyes swiftly scanned froeneral reaction to him Overall, there was ression, and that did make sense

One factor of his undead resurrection process seeression towards him, the master, was turned down to minimal levels This was consistent with Elden World lore that typecast those that stated that necromancers made their undead into loyal servants

Aldrich assessed the worst case scenario

There were definite cases of undead under liches being able to rebel against them Rare, but possible Usually, in Aldrich's experience, it hen strong willed individuals opposed a necroly that they could resist the control

Soree they could even reject a necromancer's will to destroy their bodies and release their souls, thus turning them from a loyal unit into an uncontrollable enely rare, however Undead control reached deep within the soul, easily being on par with the de that Volantis suffered under No, in fact, deinal necro the spell's framework

The mechanisms of undead control were rather sinister A norn influence ht off infection

Undead control was a two step process

First, it buried the past h the original soul and the basic core personality traits associated with the soul remained

Then, it basically hijacked the soul's ily to serve the necromancer

Undead control was thus much like a parasitic cancer In rare cases, an undead could forcibly recover their sealed memories However, the 'immune system' of their soul, now under the necromancer's control, would start to forcibly destroy these n influence'

Deleting the memories of a soul directly was basically impossible In addition, thethem would basically kill the soul too

Thus, undead control only sealed memories That could be seen with Volantis as well His old memories were still there, just sealed under many layers of control

But if one tricked the soul into thinking its own n, then it was possible to abuse its 'i itself

The more an undead resisted its necromancer, the etting dispelled ihly limited

In su Blackwater students that resisted his control, he just had to wait things out He doubted even one of these students had the willpower to resist him, and even if they did, he could control the others and subdue the odd one out

"When did you get all this power?" said Ace, his white eyes crackling with energy

"The fuck? Why's that the first thing on your mind, blockhead?" said Simon Wells, one of Seth Solar's past friends "The better question is: how are you even alive?"

"Does it matter?" said Aldrich "What matters is that you are alive solely because of me At my will, I can have you turned back into the corpses you hen I found you"

"…" Sih his visor

"Is there a problem?" said Aldrich

"…Nah I can't really find it in ht I can kind of sense that if you die, I die, and I do like living," said Simon

"Screw that!" shouted Evan Harker, another of Seth's posse "He's just a freaking dud, lording over us like this because he got some power! You-you killed Ghost, and you killed Seth - I know it!"

"I did," said Aldrich simply "But so what? You killed me, don't you remember? I only returned the favor You should be thankful I even raised you again"

"I won't accept this!" shouted Evan He stood up from his chair and shattered a beer bottle in his hand "I-I-,"

Evan collapsed to a knee, putting his hand on his head in shock His soul was starting to destroy itself, sensing insubordination

"As you can see, there are consequences to going against me," said Aldrich He walked up to Evan, and the Blackwater students shuffled back, clearing the way for Aldrich

Aldrich put a hand on Evan's shoulder "What's the eainstmotivator I know that very well"