Chapter 221 Blackwater Students (1/2)
Chapter 221 Blackwater Students
Aldrich waited in front of the base doors, ad just how solid they were They were like solid blocks of metal that could probably pancake soht Very much like noht and hyperdefensive layer on top of defensive layer to create plate packed mobile behemoths
The doors reminded Aldrich of the neosteel castle wall that protected the Red Circle, the very saun at mach 6 to actually penetrate But he doubted these doors had even half the durability as the neosteel doors
Neosteel was expensive The highest end commercially available metal on the market Even Casimir could only afford small amounts of it
But even neosteel was like paper compared to someone like Solomon Solar, and if Aldrich wanted to take over Blackwater, he kneould have to go through Soloy just did not keep up with superpowers, and the S rank here that difference was incredibly noticeable
What good was a war ainst someone who could fly at hypersonic speeds and demolish entire city blocks with punches? The only technos that could keep up with the S rank were S rank technos they that was so advanced it was practically ic
As Arthur C Clarke once said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable froic"
Solomon Solar was a definite issue Aldrich could adht with Solomon, even with all his recent powerups, there was no contest: Solomon could probably beat Aldrich in oneforce
Granted, theAldrich's natural counter Extree in the forhte type like Aldrich
But like with Seth, Aldrich would find a way to work around Solomon
Father would fall like son
No, if Aldrich had his way, Solomon would fall far, far further than Seth ever did After all, Solomon had so much more to lose
"Oh, sorry about wait!" Spybird's voice buzzed through an intercoenerator not working properly, you see But here-,"
The base doors slowly opened up with slow and rattling uidly rise froh the doors after a long five seconds, half wondering how a lot of the nomad tech did not just break down on the spot It all seemed so clunky and ether
Aldrich used his ability to sense his undead to make his way around the base The base was ether like so transforhly had different functions One acted like a control center for anything tech related while the other tere like living quarters with recreational spaces and supplies
The control roooal, but Aldrich wanted to check up on the others as well The immediate room he was in noas a small chamber meant for decontamination from potential exposure to nasty stuff in the Wastelands, but no need for that now
The chah a short hallway BareHe wondered briefly how no holed up in as basically an oversizeddoors at the end of the hallway opened up, Aldrich realized he was quitespace Still the sa, but they were decorated arhts, posters, and several telescreens that now played various ood speaker systeround noise that concealed Aldrich's entrance
Aldrich's units sat around bolted pieces of furniture, watching the telescreens or talking a on a table while others fixed up a meal in the kitchen Opened beer cans and bottles of liquor were everywhere
It gave off the vibes of a college party
And it made sense Most of Aldrich's humanoid units were Blackwater students, and they were just that: students With their black uniforms replaced with casual clothes, it was apparent to Aldrich that these were just teenagers
Just like Aldrich, though he was the least 'teen-like' out of theood to let his troops de-stress, for even if they were undead, they could still get mentally tired and need ti with Valera, at how just the si had been so refreshi+ng