Chapter 218 Negotiating with the Chiefs 2 (2/2)

"That's another thing Stocks and corps -to affiliate himself with a fortune heir, I see no way I can convince them to help, even if I wanted to"

Des white cloak around hie black spider "I aotiation I wish you all the best of luck"

Everyone waited until Desuards

"Did you have to do that?" the masked woman said to Clint

Clint raised his hands up "What do youup his father like that? You practically forced hi," said the woree The ht up, his entire de of froed "Heh, I don't like working with Des, slimly little shi+t he is Pretends like he loves his people and their lives and how much he bitches and moans about the corps

But he's the one that makes me the most backhanded deals outta all of us with the corps All so he can pad his pockets and ht in any crossfires

Y'all know this, don't you? Why everytiically ain't there no ht?"

Aldrich sat back and observed quietly, analyzing the dynamic between the chiefs Froenerated, he could tell they were likely true

But the fact that the chiefs allowed Desmond in as part of them still meant that Desmond had some value to theh about us," said Gerard He looked to the two chiefs that had not spoken yet "You two, Rock and Crone, what do you think?"

One was a mountain of a man who seemed to be a mutant with a body made entirely of rock His head was shaped like a hel yellow dots - his eyes - shone through On his cloak was the syly, a rock

The other was a hunched up, small old lady with disheveled white hair and a blue visor covering her eyes On her cloak was the symbol of a red flower: a poppy

"I don't uy, and I have no real opinions either way I'll go hatever's theDesmond, of course," said Rock

The rest awaited for Crone, but she re?" said Aldrich, noting the old lady's rhyth and unresponsiveness

"She does that so deal She'll reet back to us when she wakes up"

"I see," said Aldrich He figured the sleeping must have been some condition to her power

"How bout' you then, Z?" said Clint, nodding towards the masked woman

Z looked to Aldrich with analytical purple eyes that made him instantly aware of how perceptive she was They were eyes similar to his own Trained Sensitive Sharp

"I will help you halfway," said Z "I handle the tech side of this joint endeavor, and I can help you with that I already have, really, with that fake identity of yours"

"You're the one that created it?" said Aldrich

"I am the one who invented the template for it," said Z "And made it so easy to customize that even a third rate techno can fool up to a tier 2 city But that CID of yours won't pass by higher level checks and tier 1 cities

You'll need s This, I can provide on the side But my full support, I cannot promise until this whole feud between you and the Dark Six is settled in so me back too," said Gerard "The risk of the Dark Six And the lack of respect you youths have these days, but I'm used to that by now"

"fuck the Dark Six," said Clint "We'll make our own dark…sooons noat, then, is theyou all back is the threat of the Dark Six How much of it do you want me to neutralize? Do you expectHaven as a sentinel state and driving the Dark Six out be enough?"

"Sentinel statehood would suffice for me IF you can achieve it," said Z

"I can stomach that," said Gerard "But unlike Z, I can't aid you even a little bit until then Too risky forvillain ass!" said Clint