Chapter 219 Negotiating with the Chiefs 3 (1/2)

Chapter 219 Negotiating with the Chiefs 3Aldrich leaned forward, taking a look at every one of the chiefs He analyzed the just how committed they were

Clint, obviously seeed face He was honest, easy to read, and incredibly straightforward When he said he was in on Aldrich, he was not lying

Gerard was a littlehis hands very often, but not really because he was guilty about anything He probably just did this as aserious He seerumply old man on the exterior, but rather soft on the inside

Though Gerard had voiced the ainst Aldrich, Aldrich did not consider Gerard opposition The old man just wanted security that Aldrich could deliver on anything he promised, and that was completely reasonable

Z seemed neutral, if a bit positively inclined She was the hardest to read out of all of the Aldrich’s own analytical gaze

Des, had been difficult to read Even more so than Z Even e was stiff but not aggressive His eyes were serious yet not threatening His voice never leaked ht Desive away anything And people like that were dangerous Aldrich knew this because he was one of those people One did not learn to hide theood reason to

In Aldrich’s case, it was because he had wanted to master the art of infiltration In Desmond’s case, well, who knew?

The other two chieftains were, for now, coo with the majority Crone was asleep, so she was a complete wild card

That meant out of the five chiefs, one was for Aldrich, three neutral, one against, and one unknown

Of the three neutral opinions, two – Z and Gerard – Aldrich could sway by obtaining sentinel statehood

”In the end, then, this all lies on Thanatos obtaining sentinel statehood over Haven, doesn’t it?” said Aldrich

”Summed up, yes,” said Z “Sentinel statehood has not existed since the age of the Altering The powers that be love to n of independence that flies directly against that Though, with a fortune heir, it may well be possible”

”You don’t know that,” countered Gerard “Last I heard, they locked Thanatos up The Panop and the government are on extreme alert, and who can blame them? The recent variant attacks have thrown the whole damn world into chaos

The fortune are a force to be reckoned with, but Aarav Singh is just a heir Powerful he a That’s his father

Now, if Aarav had his father’s backing, things ht be different”

”He does,” said Aldrich

”…Are you sure, boy?” said Gerard “Sheshanaga really is willing to co towith the US government and the Panopticon?”

”You’ll find out soon enough,” said Aldrich “But even if Aarav didn’t have his father’s backing, as far as I’a holds His voice is the largest there out of all the other potential heirs”

”It still h is our cause for concern,” said Z “And say that all this goes well What do you want fro you provided Casimir, for one,” said Aldrich “Fast, efficient, and untrackable supply routes for contraband Access to technology that can fool even high tier city security Access to nomads that have both the power and expertise to hijack even this entire war acorp The usual

When Thanatos obtains sentinel statehood, Haven will need trade and supply routes I’m sure corporations can cover the official ones But the ‘unofficial’ ones are just as iot ya covered with the heists That’s the job for me and my boys!” said Clint

”And?” said Z “You said ‘for one’ You want more, don’t you?”

”I’m not entirely familiar with you nomads,” said Aldrich “But as far as I’ate the Wastelands better than anyone

The AA and Panopticon can track the location of variant nests because they’re stationary But they can’t easily track variants that fade in and out of geostorms