Chapter 215 Nomads (1/2)
Chapter 215 Nomads
"Indeed," said Fler'Gan "You are familiar with the concept of homonculi, no?"
"Yes," said Aldrich "Alcheanisms How does that apply here?"
"The nor a 'womb' of primordial liquid This liquid is often the refined, processed flesh of other creatures," said Fler'Gan "I have little in the way of materials I am familiar with for my alchemy, but I do have the tools to refine with
Thus, I reduced that Alter speciranted an within this liquid before it could decay
The first attean deteriorated too quickly and I did not kno to adjust my refinement process to Alterhumans that I had never worked with before
But by learning upon an of the second specimen!"
"That's…quite incredible," said Aldrich, surprised It see to preserve an Alter organ was soed to do before
The closest anyone had gotten was via an Alter scientist who could use his oer to attach growths on organs to trick the they were alive
Thisthe Alter organ into believing it was still in its host body This method, however, was vastly superior
The Alter scientist had a lie and duration on his powers What Fler'Gan did was create an easy way to transport and store live Alter organs
"What about the self-destruct ans have when you try to study thean research and one of the reasons why Aldrich could not just force an undead organ to stop disintegrating
If Aldrich tried to force an organ into doing what it was not ardless of whether he atteic
It was one of the reasons why Aldrich could not heal Seismic from his Crystallization condition Aldrich could sense if he taan, it would self-destruct
Oddly, the organ would accept healing to restore it to its base state, but not any changes to the base state itself It was alans had their own independent will that ely aware of their surroundings, able to discern bethat helped thee them
"That will require some more research," said Fler'Gan "But for now, I revel in this progress, however minute it may be"
"It isn't minute by any measure," said Aldrich "Well done, Fler'Gan I'll have the editor sa with plenty of eyeflowers and other ical materials you need for your alchemy"