Chapter 214 Returning to the Crypt (1/2)

Chapter 214 Returning to the Crypt

Aldrich ht of the throne shard in the Nexus was replaced by per, purple outlined darkness fro back to the Crypt and witnessing darkness

Real darkness Because Aldrich had racial nightvision, he could see through ordinary dark, but the kind of dark the Null ore eht could not pierce There were very few circumstances in which he would ever find himself unable to see in the dark, but if there was ever a case of it, this was it

Regardless, Aldrich had enough visibility to maybe three of four meters ahead of him

"You are back, Warleader!" said Volantis Or rather, the illusion of Volantis The voice sounded just the sahout the metallic structure of the Crypt

"Keep it down," said Aldrich "It's difficult to get any surveillance down here, but what little there is, I assuh a physical trigger system that doesn't have to rely on tech

In other words, you're being too loud"

"Apologies," said the illusion

Aldrich sighed The illusion was sitting cross legged on the ground, and even upon a close inspection, he could not find anything that see and sensing mana because his system did most of it for hi about the illusion in that regard either

To be expected, though Wai'ki ht not have been the best direct combatant, but her illusions were no joke She could create copies that were alinal To Aldrich's est copies she had made were a level 70 copy of Rella and a level 80 copy of the Death Lord's Shattered Bone armor form

Aldrich knew that this illusion of Volantis eaker than usual because it had been created on a tievity, not on power It was maybe around level 25 in terms of stats

Maybe, Aldrich wondered, he could enlist Wai'ki's aid further Her highest tier clones had both power and longevity And creating a functional illusion of hi that had any nuh, Aldrich had to establish a 'public' persona separate from his Thanatos identity That would be his Bruce Vane alter ego Which was one of the reasons he had coroup with Casio from here What Aldrich wanted for his Bruce Vane persona was almost the opposite of 'Thanatos'

Where Thantos would fight and stay in the spotlight of the world, Bruce Vane would stay in the shadows as an influential and relatively secretive figure that people could trust for business deals The optioal was for Bruce Vane to infiltrate corporate networks of connections and, if possible, villain networks as well Often, villain and corporate networks were inextricably linked, so if he ed to break into one, he would naturally break into the other

The proble a fake ID boogeyman

Casimir would help Aldrich do that with his resources Despite losing support from the Dark Six, Casimir actually did not rely on them entirely How he had built up his eh a fiercely loyal network of no blackal tech, and other contraband across the hostile yet untrackable Wastelands

By now, Casirouped with the nomads that supported him It was about time Aldrich, no, Bruce Vane, introduced hi to be in the form of a suit

Had to look presentable, after all

"Huh, would you look at that" Aldrich knelt down and found a plastic and foa and half a htly packed ration bars, bottles of water, and a stack of books

Aldrich picked out a note jutting out from one of the books The typed of words read:

'I know you requested books, but I don't know you read The sa specific, there's a pen in this ration pack Write on the back of this note and send it up with the pack

Instructions to activate the pack's retrieval mechanism are detailed below'