Chapter 185: Bors the Giant Blacksmith (2/2)
Bors craned his neck down as he stared at the soul "I never see anything like this before But I make it work!" said Bors He looked to Aldrich "What you want?" "You best not forge a weapon,my beautiful scythe even once! So ckle – hoill your lover there think of your loyalty if she sees you hop from wondrous weapon after the other?" "H-huh? My master is the utmost symbol of loyalty!" protested Valera "Of course, of course," said the Death Lord with a smile "You are so very easy to tease, Guardian" "" Valera pouted as she turned to Aldrich "MasterI et that duel in tilanced to the Death Lord "Won't we?" "Yes Yes you shall," said the Death Lord with bared fangs and excited grin "As for what I want, Bors," began Aldrich He did not want a weapon, because the Death Lord was right The [Forsthallowed War Scythe] was already a superb quality iteroith hie e I can!" said Bors
A seal was a catalyst that aided in spellcasting, but unlike weapon catalysts, seals had no inherent oensive usage They were mostly handheld talismans that one could not really use as a weapon like a sta or a scythe
In exchange, however, where catalyst weapons usually only had a single strong active ability, a seal provided several active spells as well as stronger passive eects To use the active spells of a seal, one had totwo handing of a weapon
However, the good thing about seals was that you could wear theranting permanent access to their passives "Thanks, Bors," said Aldrich "What kind of spells you want?" said Bors "TellSeth's rough strength at around level 40, he gured he could get a Seal at the Epic+ rank The higher the rank of a seal, the more spells it could store, and at the epic rank, a seal could store 4 spells "An area of eect da spell
And a stat boosting bu"
Bors nodded along to Aldrich's words, tapping a nger to his head to try and help hi and remember It took a solid thirty seconds after Aldrich stopped speaking for Bors to respond "Okay! I get it," said Bors "I do all that My hammer will strike loud, and soon, you be proud!"
Bors took the soul in his hand and led it to his furnace He opened the metal cylinder up and funneled in some of the black ames imbued on one of his ar with dark re and embers He stued the soul in and closed the door shut "I think I be done in ve days" said Bors "Five days? That should be ne," said Aldrich He could not help but like Bors
Bors was a gentle giant through and through, dutiful and always positive But most of all, innocent "I expect a lot froood," said Bors as he sat down in front of the furnace cross-legged "Now then," said the Death Lord She looked Aldrich over fro?" said Valera suspiciously "Ogling your lover, is it not evident?"
Before Valera could react, the Death Lord laughed as she put her hand to her lip "A jest No, I was siuard Volantis
Instead of forging new toys, how about we take the time to x poor old Volantis now?"