Chapter 186: Fixing Volantis (1/2)

Chapter 186: Fixing Volantis "Volantis? Whatever software the de self-repair Do you mean you want to accelerate that process?"

Aldrich asked the Death Lord "Software?" The Death Lord ever so slightly tilted her head,Aldrich realize that she obviously would have no idea what that word rasp that word, but I understand the essence of what you are saying And to answer: yes and no

We will restore Volantis, but not in the way the demons wished" "Explain," said Aldrich "The fact that you have caused the Demonwill entrapped within Volantis to manifest like this, to try and scrub Volantis's soul, et hih recalling old ht about that," said Aldrich "Excellent!" The Death Lord tapped her pipe with her index nger in a positive gesture "Then that signals the Demonwill is weakened near to its destruction

Weakened enough to be coed, then Volantis will return with the full extent of his old soul But-," The Death Lord narrowed her one eye as she stared at Aldrich "It is your decision whether you desire this or not Volantis was a proud warrior in his life of yore, and he followed a leader he devoted hireatly to It may be that should he return with his old spirit intact, he will not recognize you as his own" "Is that why you never tried to restore Volantis when he was under your command?" said Aldrich "Partially Mostly, it was because the Demonas too powerful for even myself to sunder," said the Death Lord "Which is an interesting aspect of this whole situation to note It would appear that without the Flame Arcs in this

New World of yours, demonic inuence is at its weakest"

Aldrich did not know everything about demon lore, but he did knohat Flame

Arcs were Demons were not actually native existences to Elduin, the main physical realm that Elden World mostly operated on

Demons instead hailed from a hell like separate realm of eternal ame called the Pyre Because of their extradimensional status, demons needed some kind of physical anchor in Elduin to manifest

For most demons, this was the Flaenerated a constant eld of infernal energy from the Pyre that sustained demonic presence Demons that relied upon the Flame Arc were called Incarnated demons for their physical forms were literally built up and incarnated by the Flame Arcs

Other demons, particularly those that were converted from Elduin native to demon, were called Anchored demons, for they were permanently 'anchored' to a specic physical body In Volantis's case, this was his armor form

Flaics, so it made sense that in earth, where there were no Flaic that kept Volantis's soul chained would weaken "What will your decision be, Usurper?" said the Death Lord "If you do nothing, the Deth to restore Volantis to a state where he knew nothing of his original soul

And you need not worry of the De to such an extent that it will fade away entirely – like a parasite, it will eternally sustain itself to a minimum extent o of Volantis's own soul and power" "In the case that Volantis does rebel againsthi, Volantis was not one of Aldrich's undead He could not just enforce his will on Volantis and be done with it

This was because de raised as undead

When Aldrich 'raised' units froils – syranted to him by the Death Lord

All those symbols did was transfer ownershi+p over to Aldrich

Forownershi+p meant they became his own undead with no issue

But in Volantis's case, all it meant was that he just switched literal physical ownershi+p over to Aldrich like two players swapping items with each other "Yes," said the Death Lord "But it would be a dicult one You could defeat him in combat, which would weaken his soul and allow the Deain

I have an Arena to isolate Volantis for this purpose

That is, if you do desire his awakening" "Volantis is strong, but he can't handle facing nicant to take him down I just need to knohether there are actually any benets to letting Volantis have his oldfrom a point of view of pure rationality

Aldrich valued Volantis, it was true, and if possible, he would have liked

Volantis to have his old self without the chains of the Deinally was

But the thing was, if all this just made Volantis an enemy, if there was no discernible benet to Aldrich, then he would not go through with it either "Volantis would gain access to the martial skills and experiences he would have had in life," said the Death Lord "In my research, I knew Volantis to be an

Orclord, just shy of a Warmother or Warfather which leads entire hordes

The soul also inuences one's physical forinal soul fully awakened, his ares that no doubt will increase his strength

The amount of power he receives will be appreciable And if he accepts you as his Armored still, then it may very well be that over time, those powers and traits may transfer over to you"

Aldrich had an idea of what Volantis could gain