Chapter 173: Company Politics (1/2)
Chapter 173: Company Politics "A deal? I'm interested" Aldrich already held Aarav in far better standing than
Colonel Davos Aarav had the courage to sit right next to Aldrich knowing how dangerous Aldrich could be
Though Null Ore could dampen powers, it was not it they just erased Alter Cells and Organs entirely
Null Ore workedof the Alter cells and organs, severely disrupting the processing of additional energy
But the physical strengthening that Alter cells and organs provided fro musculature, blood vessels, bones, and so on remained
For someone like Aldrich who Aarav had every reason to expect had a h AC count, it was an entirely reasonable threat for Aldrich to just reach out and snap Aarav's neck, especially considering the fact that technos tended to have weaker bodies even with high AC counts
The fact that Aarav just sat calht next to Aldrich, indicated that he illing to place his trust in Aldrich
Plus the fact that Aarav did not just start off negotiations by threatening
Aldrich's life definitely helped "Have you been keeping up with news about Sheshanaga?" said Aarav "That's one area where I'm not the most researched on," said Aldrich "That's fine," said Aarav "You don't particularly have to know anything And now that I think about it, you wouldn't really find anything on the news either
It's all et to the point: the CEO of Sheshanaga is looking for a new successor" “A new successor?" said Aldrich "I would have expected that to be on the news"
Anything related to a shi+ft in the power structure of a Council of Fortune colobal headlines because it would have been aloverny would have been a change in a kingdodoms Many of theles that went into deciding who took the crown after the family heads died often shed quite the blood "It's all secret and on the do for now," said Aarav with a shrug "My old man didn't want to make the news public" "Old a?" said Aldrich "Yeah Along with five other kids, no, wait, counting the illegitimate hooker spawn, of which I aed again "It doesn'tas there's even a tiny drop of his blood in one of us The oldfor whoever can ina" "I see where this is going," said Aldrich "You want to meet his will and take over the company, and for that, you need me" "You catch on quick I like that I like that a lot," said Aarav He nodded enthusiastically He reached into his coat pocket and placed a black tipped cigarette deftly into his arette, and a shting it
He reached out his case of cigarettes to Aldrich "Want one? Just a warning: they're not anything special You could pick theas station" "I don't smoke," said Aldrich "Understandable Very healthy, too If er," said Aarav He put the cigarette case away and blew out a breath of smoke "But unfortunately, he's due for a permanent trip to the other side in a few oose chase for the greatest secret of all
The one secret we still haven't cracked with all these crazy neers and fancy new technology" "And that is?" said Aldrich "The secret of immortality," said Aarav "I see," said Aldrich "I assume you believe I can help you with that" "With immortality? hell yeah," said Aarav "You've made quite the waves out there, Mr Thanatos The power to raise the dead, the power to raise a Locus —
I'm sure everyone ant a piece of you soon Every company worth a damn, at least
And not all of thereen beret out there
That's the probleranted They don't realize that it's earned And when you call the" "And what about you? Do you believe you deserve authority?" said Aldrich, scoping out Aarav's character "Me? Sure, in some ways, when it's been earned But with you, of course not