Chapter 172: Second Deal (1/1)

Chapter 172: Second Deal “And that's the best you can offer me?” said Aldrich "A collar and a leash?" "It's a better deal than what anyone else can give you," said Colonel Davos "So tellto take it or not?" "Say, hypothetically, that I do take you up on your generous offer, then what do you want from me?" said Aldrich "You have zero records anywhere," said Colonel Davos "You're like a ghost A phantom that just decided to pop up one day Attempts to scan and analyze your powers fail Attempts to read your past fail

I want a full explanation of who you are and what your powers are" "I see I can sense that isn't all you want So go on, tell me more," said Aldrich "Next, I would want full access to all the specimen under your control That includes, of course, the Locus We would need to run extensive testing on the," said Colonel Davos "Naturally," said Aldrich "Alright, then Anything else?" "Once we've researched you and your powers and devised a means to counteract them, you'll be inducted into a covert operations teaood use," said Colonel Davos "Interesting," said Aldrich "And what about Seisovernment custody now, isn't he? Why not run those tests on him?" "He's protected by Haet to him easily But if you make him, then that's a different story" "What makes you think I can control Seismic just like that?" said Aldrich "You could control the rest of your forces I assume Seismic isn't an exception

But even if he was, he's not the most important one It's the Locus ant the h up the Locus, and we can let Seismic do what he wants" "I see," said Aldrich He paused before he spoke again "I have a question,

Colonel" "What is it?" "Tell h to you?" "What?" Colonel Davos exclaimed in surprise "Did you seriously expect ivein return? | already told you, your freedouarantee your safety!" said Colonel Davos, now distinctively aggravated "Your life! That doesn't matter to you? Not even you can survive a ht of the United States" "Is that what you think?" said Aldrich "You didn't even know I even existed just twenty-four hours ago How can you be so confident that you can hunt h, Colonel, and just as I told you before, it isof ive you nothing

As for my supposed ‘freedo I'rily before another voice cut hi up the tier ressive than the colonel's, but not one that sounded weak either

Colonel Davis got shoved aside, revealing a thinnernavy-blue suit He put his face close to the se black shades that and a wild ed black hair "Oh, there you are," said the ht at Aldrich He turned around and barked out an order with the practiced ease of so others around "Open this door, will you? How can I talk to hierous-," Colonel Davos's voice chierous! Just open the Goddah for et in," repeated Colonel Davos "Just be warned that if anything happens to you, I can't do anything about it In fact, as far as I'm concerned-," "As far as you're concerned you don't exist, you were never here, yada yada blah blah, okay, now open the door," said the man with the shades

The door slid open just a bit runt, and behind him Once he was inside the Null Box with Aldrich, he turned around and gestured for the door to close "Now shut it! I want soovernment rats!"

As the doors closed, Aldrich observed the man The suit he wore had seen far better days It did not quite fit the man's tall and lanky frame properly, and there were some scratched up parts and oddly discolored patches where they had been roughly tailored over with fabric that did not quitederether, Aldrich could observe that there were indents on his palms that opened up to jack into tech

A techno, then “And you are?" said Aldrich "Aarav Aarav Singh" The ht beside Aldrich with zero hint of fear and plopped down right beside hiht next to

Aldrich "AaravSingh That nay and Cybernetics,” said Aarav "That ring a bell?" "It does," said Aldrich

Sheshanaga was a a corporation based out of India that held one of twelve revered and immensely powerful seats on the Council of Fortune, the coalition of the largest and lobe

As far as biotechnology went, Sheshanaga was the top dog in the world, though in pure cybernetics it fell behind Rheingold Cyberworks which, though not a

Council of Fortune member due to its smaller, more specialized size, was the undisputed world leader in cybernetic research and technology

Regardless, as a a could easily be said to have influence on par with an entire country Coether, the

Council of Fortune as a whole entity had as anizations like the AA and the Panopticon, quite literally controlling the entire flow of the world's econoh fa Aarav here one of its h with the company to knohat position Aarav had “And what does a Council of Fortune family member want to do with me?" said

Aldrich "I want to offer you a deal," said Aarav "A proper deal Not whatever abomination of a deal that blockheaded colonel wanted to throw your way"