Chapter 167: A Deal (1/1)

Chapter 167: A Deal

Aldrich sensed a shi+ft in the crowd behind hi sucked into the netic charm and personality he had worked to build up over the years They were not on Solomon's side yet because they likely still resented hiated this resent humility Solo to rebuild Haven with his personal foundation made him seem like someone that truly cared At the very least, even if Soloed to get theht But Aldrich had a response for this If Soloet Aldrich to back down, then the rank 1 hero had sorely underestiht?" said Aldrich "You want to help Haven? You want to rebuild it?"

"That's right, Thanatos," said Solo a city as beautiful as Haven laid so low like this just breaks my heart Most of you don't know, but Haven holds a special place inSolo anecdote about some bullshi+t one off experience he had in Haven Or perhaps he did have genuinedeals with criminal syndicates and Blackwater probably didn't work here "That's wonderful to hear"

Soloood to see your heart is in the right place, Thanatos I appreciate that you want to see this city built back up to its forlory, and I promise you, the Sunshi+ne Foundation will do its very best to ether with you to rebuild Haven," said Aldrich coolly Solomon paused for the se crowdgoer, but a ht shoealmess Of surprise Aldrich pressed on with his own attack Solo effort like that, and by announcing it in public, Solomon was pressured even further to accept Aldrich's 'offer' "You see, I've promised to the people of Haven here that I would rebuild the city as well," said Aldrich "I will be honest here, at first, I didn't know if I could make that happen by myself I knew I could co uaranteed success The Sunshi+ne Foundation, as far as I' broken ho relief to hundreds of thousands It would be an honor for me to ith the Sunshi+ne Foundation to let the people behind ree, 'my friend'?" Aldrich put pressure on Soloreed at all to help Aldrich, but since Aldrich had voiced it directly like this, in front of citizens and the news, now Solomon was backed into a corner where he had to support Aldrich

Solo close in front of Aldrich

Aldrich was ihtly over two er even than that by a fair ainst each other like this, the stark contrast in ie between Solomon Solar and Aldrich stood out

There was Soloold and bright like the sun Costuil on his chest The favorite darling of this country that everybody knew about

He was the light incarnate Then there was Aldrich Armored in black and blood and bona Spikes jutted froraced his body The only decorations visible on hi red, raw flesh and blood froers ned to shred and tear nobody kneho Aldrich He was a complete and utter unknown°

He was the darkness 0 Yet, thought Aldrich, it would be so very difficult to knoho it was here that truly stood in the light and who truly stood in the dark Countless flashes burst in an array of little lights for this near cinematic moment There would be countless headlines about this moment, but what those headlines would read out depended on who held the upper hand co out of this conversation Solomon Solar stared at Aldrich in ain He held out an inviting blue gloved hand for a handshake

"Then it's a deal," said Solorip his hand tightly, al the metal of his hand This was either a display of displeasure or a petty way to try and assert dominance over Aldrich In any case, it was even more wealh, notably as Aldrich stared at Soloenuine 'Shall I engage in battle preparations, Arrip warrants esture' 'Relax, Volantis,' said Aldrich telepathically 'Let ive in easily, though, because from the very start, whatever Aldrich said did not particularly matter much In Solomon's mind, Aldrich was in a checkmate position from the very start "But, my friend, I'm sorry to break this to you," said Solomon as he withdrew his hand and shook his head with disappointment "You're needed in custody I myself would be honored to ith you, the man that saved Haven, but until you're out of custody, I'm afraid we'll have to put our collaboration on hold"