Chapter 166 - S Rank Encounter (1/2)

Chapter 166 - S Rank Encounter

Aldrich and Seismic instantly looked at each other when they heard that voice Seis as if to tell him to be careful

In contrast, the rest of the crowd had a bit etic reaction The whole crowd perked their heads up in inition of that voice Surprised exclamations broke out

"Holy shi+t is that Solomon Solar!?" 'I saw the Halo before, but they went ahead and sent the rank IP" 'We get to see the rank a! dah!" Aldrich observed the reactions from the crowd closely

Solomon Solar The current rank a mi the Superboard Top 100, the leaderboard that ranked heroes based off of AP (Achievement Points) eah the leaderboard did factor in strength, and yes, the top of the Superboard were always going to be at least soiven rule, it was not a definite indicator of raer

All the Superboard Top coo meant was that Soloh undeniably, Solo videos of Solo his son And popularity was an even deadlier weapon to use against Aldrich than sheer force right now Soloainst Aldrich would deal a far worse blow than any strong punch

Was this why they had sent the most popular hero? Aldrich had expected the AA to send a purely combat focused S ranker like Valkyrie or Dark Star over had they been afraid of his powers Heroes that did not care about getting their i

Had the AA perhaps caught onto what Aldrich wanted to do, then? Aldrich wanted to raise public support against the AA which would, alongside the threat of his undead, force the AA and government to cave into his wants

If the AA wanted to counter Aldrich, then the best possible person they could have sent was Solomon Solar Someone both popular and powerful Yet, Aldrich doubted this nobody kneho he was or what he wanted, and he had not shown hioals particularly clear Regardless, Aldrich would find out He looked around at the surprised crowd chatting energetically a themselves at the rank a hero's sudden appearance Had any other S ranker been up there, Aldrich would have gotten these people to go with hiholnl ghl;TM'g& up now, aver au s over rarer everyone s new, mune° In so to jail the vigilante, I'ive them a piece of my mind 'You're free to come withall in on Aldrich preferred him over even Solomon Solar

And thatcelebrity status could do Solo for these people Aldrich had done everything They Iave Aldrich the confidence to bring the

"Tell Solomon Solar who it was that saved this city, because it most certainly wasn't him," said Aldrich

With that, Aldrich and Seismic left to the contain them out, Aldrich created a buffer zone of people, most of whom supported him, that would protest or be witnesses to any potentiala popular S ranker was that all of Solomon Solar's movements atched by millions The people around Aldrich essentially turned into a 'PR shi+eld' that limited how Solomon Solar could act

Outside, after a platform raised everyone to street level, Aldrich and Seisainst Solomon Solar

Behind Solomon Solar stood a cold, metal bodied squadron of Guardians, battle hots that formed the bulk of a Panopilcon Class 3 Drone Fleet The Guardians were just as big as Solomon's muscular and tall frareen dot eyes exuded an intis seem like little toys in comparison

In contrast, behind Aldrich were the broken yet still war bodies of Haven's citizens

There were countless news drones in the sky, shi+ning down spotlights, snapping pictures, and recording everything that happened

"Thank you for co a fuss," said Solomon Solar with a wide, perfectly white slow that emanated from all around his body His hands rested at his tree trunk of a waist in a heroic pose "I'ht it lost

For that, I wanted to thank you, vigilante You too, Seisloved hand over to the crowd behind Aldrich "And all of you as well! Everyone here that fought and stood strong—all of you are heroes!"