Chapter 78: {the Oceans Call}: Youll Also Like (1/2)
Chapter 78: {the Oceans Call}: Youll Also Like
Chapter 78: {the Ocean's Call}
In the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, several kilometers away from Haven City -
Inside an enorht dared to trespass, the iant hostly siren wail of pain that traveled through the dark waters, but found no call of pity to soothe it back
For these waters were empty, the cavern itself located in as known as a 'Null Zone' that generated black spots where no Ether based power could observe The latent Ether in these areas also for barrier that prevented conventional surveillance fro
In this cave of privacy, the ile and thin Its spines, once large and fierce and capable of generating , were now reduced down to nubs The white and blue flesh of its span shriveled and dried into a dark husk
The ain as the creature exerted itself
Blood pooled out froerously close to its brain
But the manta did not care about its own health
It cared only about one thing -
It curled itself up into a tighter ball, keeping its flesh wrapped over a rippling orb of grey sli horrible, gestated
The silhouette of an eerie infant forrew by the moment within this wolowing blue fed into the infant frorew thinner and thinner
These were nutrients and genetic material from the many the manta had dissolved with its sli her hunts over the past six months
Cleanse the Rot
This was the instinctive e drilled into the manta when she came into contact with the Voice
But she had failed
The Rot was too strong
The Rot's carriers, the 'huhty fighters, and now thedeath from her injuries
But the manta entrusted that her precious child would succeed where she had fallen
Cleanse the Rot, the manta whispered deep into the depths of her unborn child's psyche, deep into its genetic rew thinner and thinner, until finally, it had been absorbed into the very womb of slime it had created, turned into the final burst of nutrients and energy needed for her child to be born
The grey sli many shades darker, almost into a black crystal suspended within these dark and lonely waters
The infant within was nearly fully forly, it was far, far smaller than its mother
Its silhouette was shaped like the carriers of the Rot, its body upright with two arer than the carriers, those humans
Yet, within that tiny body, there was undeniable power -
The crystal cocoon started to shatter as the silhouette's large, circular eyes glowed a distinct azure blue Cracks wreathed all around the wohtly out of it as contained, built up led to spill out
Then, the cocoon shattered, and a pillar of blue energy ruh the ocean and into the skies, and thus, with the ru of thunder, the Call was sent out and the Herald born
A districts in Haven, it was an indisputable fact that the highest concentration of suited up, heartless corporate workers with the fattest credit accounts lived in the Financial District
Here, the corporate worker bees and their higher ups, all collectively called Suits, toiled endlessly for their a-corporations, specifically for Hammerhead Industries that do district and Nautilus Moving that held a tight