Chapter 77: Dying Sun (1/2)

Chapter 77: Dying Sun

Brilliant solar explosion after explosion rocked the insides of Volantis's boss arena, linking into a strangely beautiful chain of golden novas that forhts that looked like a constellation

What drew this constellation was Seth Solar punching Volantis over and over and over and over again in hyperspeed Each of his hty punches loosed not only a shockwave of enory reserves burst out of hi out craters in the ground, walls, and ceiling as Seth Solar punched hiain, and repeated this process over a hundred ti but ball up and put his aran Stitching] to e resistant as possible, wrapping himself in thick coils ofhi

But though Volantis could drae he took, he did not have the raw physical stats to keep up with Seth Solar

Seth Solar was absurdly fast right now, faster than what the huainst his onslaught, all Volantis could do eather the solar storht of punches, Seth Solar's aura of glowing orange and bright golden light started to diht speed lagging and his bloeakening in their sheer destructive intensity

Energy see out froe that dissolved in the air, leaving in their wake a trail of gli supernova

"DIE!" Seth Solar unleashed onethe living arround below This blow embedded Volantis in the deepest craterout through nearly the entire arena

Seth Solar breathed in and out with deep, gasping breaths, and each tiy streaolden eyes that dimmed more and more by the second

Zayn had balled up in a coat of defensive feathers, preventing hie

The Butcher, on the other hand, was not so lucky The siusts and force shockwaves froe had torn the Butcher's body apart, leaving his bits scattered everywhere

But due to the nature of the Butcher's ability, it was possible the villain was still alive

Not that it mattered to Seth In a battle of this scale, the Butcher was useless He looked down at Volantis, wondering if the da was dead

Volantis was still in thecrater, all of his ans charred to a black crisp

"F-fuckā€¦" Seth felt y leave hi back down to the ground "So"

He looked down at his hands His energy was leaving hi as it dissolved into little twinkling sparkles that faded into the darkness of the arena He fully expected to lose a vast ay, but that was because he kneas going to use it all up Right now, he was losing energy without even doing anything

The color of his norold aura faded, and that hen his eyes widened as he saw black streaks within his visible veins

"Kryptic!?" The realization hit Seth as his vision blurred He felt deeply sick to his core, his strength leaving him in waves

"Ied froe frae to his ar a host of scorchVery strong I can hear your bones screahty flesh

Thus, it is my burden to bear to free those bones of yours"

Volantis put his right hand over his left forearm "I do not know if I can use this power, for er possess the strength to fight you otherwise"

With a sole: Are of criy burst out frohout the arena The entire arena lit up a shade of threatening red as Volantis's burned lowing red, for a circulatory system that branched out from his left arm

The left ary construct

Volantis trudged forwards, his steps shaky and hile he supported his glowing red left arht hand, as if his left arm was an enormously heavy weapon

Seth Solar fell to a knee as he watched Volantis sloalk towards him, that red arm of his with its claws outstretched ready to rit his teeth as he tried to muster up power in his eyes to unleash a solar bea through his syste, unable to build up energy

Seth grunted in pain as he rubbed his eyes, looking down, and that hen he saw a case land in front of hily at him Of the three vials he had come with, this was the only one left

The other one -

A darkbehind it Seth looked up to see Zayn colliding against Volantis Zayn had Boosted hi his humanoid form entirely into that of an avian variant

He looked like an enors of sharp, ht black feathers A ind of feathers floated around hi blades

"Gah!" Volantis skid backwards as he held out his Blood God arainst Zayn's supersonic approach Volantis buckled down to one knee as the red sphere of light in his hel near death

But the Blood God's arth to stop Zayn as Zayn loosed a bestial roar and bit down on Volantis's shoulder, tearing right into the sturdy ly froainst Volantis

Volantis knew that even a second ainst this crow creature would lead to his own death He activated the Blood God's ar red arh the , blood-filled flesh -

Zayn's body ruptured as stakes of hardened blood burst out of his body fro hi cry of pain before his head hung li soft The ind of feathers raging around hiround