Chapter 75: {red Circle Defense 2} (1/2)

Chapter 75: {red Circle Defense 2}

When the Red Circle was visible, that hen things became more difficult

Actual Red Circle staff, noted by their white bulletproof suits - though not nearly protective enough to fend against Iainst the Elites

Yet of these low-level staff could beat the Elites either In ter, the Red Circle staff were on par with the Elites, but the Elites outgunned and outarunfire, explosives, and the occasional usage of Alter powers, the Elites came out on top

Joe lost two Elites total while Casi them to retreat back behind the Red Circle's forcefield Thedown suppressive fire so that Joe and his Elites could not advance easily, the forcefield caar as he watched froh a pair of binoculars

His Elites were stationed behind whatever cover they could find in this urban jungle Mostly cars and the walls of buildings So spots, using activated kinesis fields on the soles of their boots to scale up vertical walls

Once in defensive, entrenched position, all of them eyed the forcefield warily

The Red Circle was ready for a siege Its entrances and walls were shi+ngled with neosteel plating, corey steel But beyond this, the Red Circle's forcefield h impenetrable

The enerated with ether was to use an energy weapon, but this forcefield was strong enough that the plasma coil weapon forh this

For all intents and purposes, this was a deadlock

And yet, Joe could not help but feel uneasy None of the elite staff of the Red Circle had shown up

Walters, Hirondelle, Cubehead, Smoke, and Spybird

Each of these aside froun and armor soldiers could not easily deal with them

Yet, Joe had prepared counter measures

Hirondelle's Violet S fory that unfire or explosive, but Joe had prepared powerful Kinesis Generators that placed artificial gravity fields which could hold her in place, and then it was si the force vectors in the fields to tear her apart

Walters was fast, strong, and had high regeneration, but the Elites all had in reserve on their belts a special type of corrosive aate his healing

Cubehead could generate warp traps fronature that the Elites' scanning syste it catch thehter who could phase into s dispersed Yet, she was still just ses could completely entrap her

Spybird was the Red Circle's head of technological operations He had little coest drone, the Albatross, was a h firepower to wipe out the Elites wholesale, not to

But Joe had prepped techno Elites ah-end Trident techno specifically to render the Albatross unusable

It was a shame that Joe's preparation, preparation he had o that the Red Circle ht of day

Not yet, at least

It was obvious Casi out under his forcefield

This was an idiotic maneuver because, as Joe had made clear, Casimir had no more help

No reinforcements

Meanwhile, Joe had already called the Trident's main body and the rest of the Dark Six They would send in their higher-class villains, and then the Red Circle was over

Granted, this ht take days, but it would still happen

And what did Casi staff numbers and a forcefield that could stay up for what?

Three ht even fall tonight