Chapter 74: {red Circle Defense 1} (1/2)

Chapter 74: {red Circle Defense 1}

The Red Circle -

A convoy of three sleek grey armored cars stopped in front of the Red Circle's first line of defense: the guard tower occupied by 'valets' with a booy, ready to release a repelling shockwave anytiuard tower, red coated valets looked doith laser sighted assault rifles Sentry turrets at the top of the tower joined in on this vigil, airey, sleekly armored cars

The cars stopped in front of the tower, and froer door slid open as a white and red suitedhis collar and gel-spiked hair

A guard accouard was no joke He was arh end combat arlowing red circle at his chest, and frohout like circuitry, powering various add-ons like wrist uns, forear, and kinetic energy absorption fiber uard's hands was a black assault rifle eon: the syhest end weapons developer in the entire world

This gun in particular was called the Hydra for it had y

A smart link cable ran frouard's hel functions and I systeence that ensured accuracy that exceeded human comprehension

"Get Casi shades to the valets in the guard tower He eyed down the barrels of their guns with cool annoyance

From an intercom system in the boom barrier, Casiht here, Mr Peperelli How can I be of assistance today?" said Casimir coyly

"You know damn hat you did There are rules in our line of work, Casiht you of all people knew Like not attacking a Connector, let alone abducting villains froanizations

Release everyone you've taken hostage or suffer a shtstorm of consequence that will level this little club of yours down to ser of the Trident's small base in Haven

"Ah, so you knew Were you doing a little spying in my own club?" said Casimir

"The Trident doesn't fuck around with new villain recruits They're all one, warped to God knohere, and that includes Velus, our Connector, and the Butcher, one of our more important assets

Not to olden eggs you've taken with you? How many of those students that already had contracts to ith us or the rest of the Dark Six once they graduated?"

"I am fully aware, Mr Peperelli I brokered most of those deals, did I not?"

"Then what the fuck is this!?" Joe shrugged indignantly "Ten years Ten fucking Years that you spent working with everyone, and this is what you pull? For what? For credits? Bruce Vane pay youinto you?"

"Let's call this a grand retireround"

"Oh, retire, are you? You think you'll leave this place in ht, I have your answer

You're going down, Casimir If not today, then tole day's worth of peace, I can guarantee you this And that secretary of yours, I hope you enjoy seeing her in pieces-,"

"Please, Mr Peperelli, you and I are both far too experienced in this line of work to know that you do not have to utter these threats They are already implied," said Casimir "Yet from what I can see, your base in Haven is small, as are the bases of the other Dark Six, if indeed they even have one

All of you relied on my Red Circle to host you, and now, because you have such little presence here, you have very few forces How are you proposing you break down our defenses with three cars worth of men?"

"Like I said, it doesn't have to be today We can wait for reinforcements to come in Where are yours? Who do you have? Who will back you now?" said Joe

"You may be surprised by the answer to that question, Mr Peperelli," said Casiht, Casih it Shame, too, because I really liked the drinks in this place"