Chapter 70: {One By One} (1/2)

Chapter 70: {One By One}

When Seth Solar passed through the foggy green portal into the tenth floor, he snarled alold eyes at yet another host of enemies

There were no skeletons here

Instead, a legion of large, bulky knights wearing spiked black arreen eyes stood at guard with halberds and shi+elds

Behind this legion of twenty knights, one knight in crimson red armor and pale white, unblemished skin stood tall and proud

"Strike theht

"You can talk!?" Seth smiled "Good I'll beat some answers out of you!"

Seth fleards at such velocity that he pierced through the line of shi+eld bearing knights with utter ease, generating a shockwave of force that blew theht and drove the knight into the ground, dragging the knight several dozen ht's back arainst the rocky floor

"Tell et out of here!" roared Seth as he held down the cri back the other in a ready fist to sleah the dull grey hallway

"Do not care for hts! Defeat the rest of the intruders!"

"Wrong Answer" Seth slaht's helth let his fingers dent into the hel a pale face with red eyes and large, bloodsucking fangs

"So va he and the villains had seen so far in this place had been out of some kind of horror movie Zombies and skeletons and now vampires?

What was this?

The only explanation he could think of was that this was an Alter power that could manipulate and warp reality to create what the user's ht hissed as he swiped with his gauntlets, throwing out a scything blade of criertips

Seth took the hit straight in his chest and flew back a few meters from the force of ireen suit, but the invincible skin underneath was utterly unharold as he shot down a beas

The vas into dust

"Weak to sunlight just like the movies Doesn't that make this easy?" said Seth He floated down and planted a triuet out of here, or else the rest of you crumbles to dust"

"Y-you intruders will find no answer fro "There is no glorious victory for you All of you…all of you are destined to die To be sacrifices in the Ritual of Eternity"

"No escape? Ritual? Stop bullshtting ive ht's breastplate with his foot, caving it in slowly and painfully

The vaht only smiled as his ribs and spine shattered

Seth stoht's chest He knew that the va It was in the knight's eyes Resolute, aloodback

When Seth turned around to see the rest of the A class still fighting the knights, he s…"

He flew back, showering solar bea thehts with quick efficiency

"Seth! Here!" called out Siathered around Evan Harker's li halberd wounds in his stomach showed the cause of obvious death

"Alexis! Where was your barrier!?" snarled Seth

Alexis turned pale as she stepped back "I-I tried, but their weapons had this dark energy around theh!"

"It's true," said Simon "Just sht luck that Evan happened to be the slowest out of us to dodge it"

"He was dead weight anyway," said Zayn "Without his drones, he would have dragged us down at some point"

Seth looked down at Evan's lifeless, bleeding body, and he just shrugged "Zayn's right He was going to be useless at sorily "You two, you're Trident, right? If you aren't working for Bruce Vane, then tellthe Red Circle by now?

Tearing that fucking place down brick by brick?"

"Yes," said Valus "The Trident does not take attacks on thehtly, and they would have noticed my disappearance An attack on a Connector, the diplomat and news bearer of the criminal underworld, is a serious offense est presence in Haven, but over two hours have passed By now, Trident forces fro cities and bases should have reduced the entire place to rubble"

"Yeah?" Seth Solar's eyes glowed as he stared enerating this dimension, huh? Why are we still here?"

"I told you, I do not know!" said Valus, panicked His Dematerialization Field could most forms of solid y attacks like Seth's heat beams

"I say we kill him and move on," said Zayn