Chapter 69: {Unending Misery} (1/2)
Chapter 69: {Unending Misery}
"H-help!" A C-rank villain used his ar and sizzling on charred black stone as he tried to drag his legless body towards Seth Solar A trail of blood and entrails painted the dull grey stone beneath in bright red
Behind hi villains invited to the Red Cricle He was the last ahest ranked at C, but even that was not enough to survive
All around him were scattered countless bones accompanied by racks of fallen over armor and medieval weaponry These bones would shi+ver and rattle before floating and attaching together into the forure Ar thehts tread over to the villain, raising a longsword in the air and staring down at hilint in its esword sank into the villain's chest, and the skeletal knight twisted the blade, ending the villain in one clean execution
"Tsk fucking weaklings, all of them," said Si the scene of the villain's death "Sht!"
Si near his head
A large arrow, big enough to skewer through a cow clean through, stopped rabbed the arrow in rowled as he tossed the arrow back to a Skeletal Archer Knight,sure to throw it so that the wider surface area of the shaft s the skeleton apart
Archers sitting on raiant arrows
"Alexis, shi+eld and support!" roared Seth, his voice boo
Alexis, rank 8 in Blackwater's A class nodded She gulped in a breath, and as she held her breath, her pale blue eyes turned completely white Winds started to howl and whirl around her, picking up bones and debris, and in an instant, wind currents for barrier all around Blackwater's A-class
Any arrows that touched this barrier blew backwards Bolts of lightning also crackled fro them back
"Zayn!" Seth Solar hovered in the air, drawing arrow fire Arrows bounced off of his skin, dealing no dae
Zayn flew up by Seth's side, his black feathered ars His head had shi+fted into an aquiline, beaked forh the rae, blade like feathers
The feathers were ai them drop their bows
This left Seth Solar for cleanup He hovered fro his solar beaold The bea theether
"Quite excellent," said Valus as he hovered behind the "You Blackwater students will indeed make fine additions to the Dark Six I will ensure that once we are out of this mess, the Trident will hear all about your fine talents
But still, to think we are nine floors through this strange place without a single exit in sight"
"Smash, take bones!" The Butcher bellowed from below He was no in the protection of Alexis's barrier, but he was invulnerable to conventional dae like this anyway A dozen arrows stuck out of his body as did swords and bones fro blood, they just jutted into his body like he was rabbed a skeletal knight and s it apart into pieces Any leftover pieces assi into raw bioenerate
With the Butcher on the ground, any skeleton knights that threatened the A class were of no threat The Butcher was practically roups of weaker eneanic matter and pad it to his own body mass It also allowed him to link with the nervous syste him control and amplify their pain
Alexis exhaled as she took down her barrier of wind
"We've been trapped in a pocket dimension," said Evan He was useless here without his drones, and ordinarily, he would have been left behind to die But as a , he was spared the fate of the rest of the technos who had no technology to ith "No net signal anywhere, no GPS - this is the only explanation"
"Then we just have to wait this out, right?" said Simon "A power like this that can keep fifty Alters trapped is no joke It ain?"
"The Tartarus Effect," said Evan "Powers that can move objects into another dimension or pocket of space tend to be unable to trap Alters, and when they do, they cost y The ets"
"We've been here for over half an hour!" shouted Seth Solar "I can't sh the walls and we don't have anyone to scan for exits! All we can do is just take stair after stair after fucking stair!"