Chapter 37: Clearing the Trial Quest 3 (1/2)
Chapter 37: Clearing the Trial Quest 3
"Cool I can see through the dark now," said Dynah the narrow trails of the cave Within, there was no light and the only sounds audible were the drips and drops of water falling fro "Don't even need night-vision goggles"
"See to it that you thank the master for your newfound body," said Valera "I do wonder how you humans wander about in your weak prisons of huan here and you keel over dead, leaking life blood like and deflating like a pierced balloon
A s at all unless healed or, Gods forbid, you wait days upon weeks upon ile So weak"
"Hey, don't knock us down too much," said Dynamite Girl "Back before hu, it's all different Soe holes in our chests Some of us can heal the worst injuries in seconds"
"But will you not agree that these powers, especially this power of yours that strains the heart, is one best shown potential in a body of undeath?" said Valera "A body that never hungers, never tires, and never fears?"
Dynaht about this for a moment "Yeah Guess so Can't really think of much a downside"
"Precisely," said Valera "And to enter into the eternal eht would want anything else!"
"Forget just likin' him, you really, really like him, huh?" said Dynamite Girl
"E-excuse me?" Valera stopped in embarrassment
"Sht, watch out!" Dynamite Girl rushed in front of Valera and put her hands out in front of her Her pal a cone of explosive and fire-laden power that lit up the cave in light
The sound of liquid sizzling and evaporated filled the air as Dynareen slime tendril
Spatters of the sli it like acid
"Where is this thing!?" said Dynamite Girl as she looked around and found only the narrow path around them There was no space for a slihostly wail echoed through the cave walls, but because of the echo, it was hard to pinpoint where it came fro where the slih with a tendril to throw out a surprise attack "I have a passive skill that allows me to sense threats, but I was too distracted to fend for ize"
"Nah, it was cause' I brought up youris?" said Dynamite Girl
"Yes I know exactly which paths to take to reach it It lies deeper in the cave within a her the chance the sliles," said Valera
"Then here, leive you a front row seat to blowin' it up to fuckin' smithereens!" said Dynamite Girl
"I do like the sound of that," said Valera
"Yeah?" Dynaoin'"
Valera sprinted ahead, and Dynamite Girl followed A few slime tendrils attacks shot out froainst all of them with her shi+eld In a minute, the two breached the main cavern - a wide, circular arena - and at the center, there was the slireen liquid with several round yellow eyes suspended in the fluid They looked like googly eyes, but despite how silly the slime looked, it was obvious that it was not a joke
It was easily six h to s an entire car whole and then some It reacted to Valera and Dyna forth a wave of acidic slime
"Behind me!" Valera slammed her cross-shi+eld in front of her and casted the skill [Bone Guard] Bones grew out froe domed barrier The acid wave flowed past the bones hariant sliled as it shot forth a volley of acid tendrils, constantly wearing away at the shi+eld and bones, not tointo the shi+eld at forainst the constant barrage of sliet, the more it'll pay attention to me! I can't hurt it with physical attacks, but you-,"
"Yeah, I get you," said Dynamite Girl She accelerated her blood flow to her maximum safe output Her heart started to beat rapidly, and as it did, the circular ht white Her veins lit up with orange energy, concentrating light and heat around her hands and feet The blood vessels in her eyes also glowed orange, co sheen "Moment you open up, I'm wipin' this bastard off the face of this planet"
"Now!" Valera took a few s, the bony barrierall around
Valera broke off the [Bone Guard], and thea wave of acid She emitted several small bursts of explosion in her feet to 'air walk' over to the sli out severalher are dots When the sli and incinerating the acid
Through the layer of sed, and this tiiant slime