Chapter 36: Clearing the Trial Quest 2 (1/2)

Chapter 36: Clearing the Trial Quest 2

The Big-ared into the encaing claws and jaws and fury Ahead of it ran the Alpha Striker

The seven trolls pointed at the grizzly and striker and grunted and roared before charging against the that it was seven against two

"Tiically dropped the Geist in the ed

"Geh!" The Geist rolled up into a cannonball again to e done to itself froainst a troll, squashi+ng it Several other trolls scattered backwards, surprised froht into their ht down the ot squashed there were now three trolls facing the Geist and three facing the Big-arm Grizzly and Alpha Striker

Aldrich did not help He wanted to conserve his health and -arhty shoulder bash, sending the troll hurtling backwards The Grizzly then stood up on its hind legs and wrestled another troll, savagely cho its head like a watermelon under a hydraulic press

The Alpha Striker stood between the Grizzly and the third troll and unleashed its shockwave ability, knocking the troll back and stopping it froainst the Grizzly While the troll was downed, the Alpha Striker leaped on top of it and started to tear into its throat

"Geheheh" The Geist echoed its chattering laugh as it dodged clus and claipes

"Geh!" The Geist punched a troll hard into its chest, shattering his sternu into a campfire where he burned to death The troll screamed as its flesh cauterized and -arm Grizzly saw this and used its oversized arms to carry the now headless corpse of the troll and toss it into a fire

The Alpha Striker squealed as the troll it fought rab it and tear it off from its throat

Before the troll could crush the Striker, the Big-ared forwards and swiped at the troll's head Its oversized arm and club-like paw smacked the troll's head and twisted it a full three hundred sixty degrees, shattering and twisting the neck twice over

The troll let go of the Alpha Striker while it gurgled, its head slowly untwisting and regenerating

The Big-ar the troll by their teeth into a fire where it joined its brethren in a funeral pyre before it regenerated

The Geist utterly deci two trolls

After all, it outleveled the trolls by almost two to one

The Geist unleashed a ha his head into his neck cavity before tossing the troll into fire

The one reroup struck at the Geist with a club, the Geist used its mini dash to appear behind the troll

The Geist punched straight through the troll's chest and carried the flailing troll into a fire where it burned theits arm like a kebab skewer

The Geist withdrew its own burned arhed off, replaced with fresh white skin within seconds

[7x Grey Troll defeated!]

[+280 EXP]

[1x Grey Troll Chieftain defeated!]

[+100 EXP]

[EXP Bar: 240/1200 ] 620/1200]

"Good work, everyone," said Aldrich as he had the eagle bring him down into the camp The smell of putrid, cooked flesh filled the air "The trolls are dead Eat them if you want Their -arle, and the Alpha Striker all took out the burning troll corpses and started to devour the out the flames

Aldrich made his way into the troll chieftain's tent with the Geist behind hiround, his head rotted as the rogue continued to stab hiain while the Great Centipede kept its tight hold on the monster

"Okay now, I know undead are tireless, but he's already dead," said Aldrich "Get off the corpse This one's strong enough to introduce into our fold"

The Skeleton Rogue nodded and bowed beforeaway The Great Centipede unlatched from the Variant and crawled over to the side

"Serve," said Aldrich as he snapped his fingers

The troll chieftian's body convulsed before getting on a knee first before standing up It was a sizable unit, this one, slightly taller than even the 10 foot tall (3 meter) Geist

[1 x Zombie (Grey Troll Chieftain) reanimated]

[Units Controlled: 15/18 ] 16/18]

Aldrich hoped the chieftain would have dropped a soul to perhaps craft an accessory that held its regeneration, but no luck Seeing the loot he wanted behind the troll chieftain, though, made him feel a lot better

Another wooden chest Aldrich went over and opened this one and received the Body and Waist pieces of the [Grave Reaper] set

One other thing, though - Aldrich looked at the cursed stone axe the chieftain was supposed to use Ordinarily, the item did not drop from the troll and faded with his corpse

Yet, there it was, just lying on the ground It seemed that the weapons that monsters wielded did not just disappear as they did in Elden World They were always dropped

Aldrich tapped it with his staff and realized he could take it The axe dissolved into green particles that flowed into his inventory

[1 x Cursed Stone Axe obtained]

Now this was an excellent find

Aldrich hith stat requirement, but Valera could Her offensive capabilities were liuard Cross-shi+eld], but the axe would let her spec into pure dae when she needed to

Not toa [Execution Curse] on those it struck, casting an instant death effect on those below 10 maximum health

This instant death effect could be resisted with a high enough ic except Aldrich?

Didn't that mean absolutely nobody was resistant to this effect?