Chapter 811 - 811 Twenty Five (1/2)
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I first grabbed Beatrice and kissed her full on the mouth while the rest were pleasuring themselves around my body.
Two ladies who were the most experienced of my collection knew the routine and started their chore with expert hands.
Mellisa and Faith began to undress my pants and help me out of my suit until I was totally naked before the seven pairs of eyes on my body.
Six of the women rubbed their bodies near me while I roamed my hands to their various soft breasts and felt that they were heavenly even with clothes over them.
Only Lillian was stilling herself and chose inaction unlike the rest. Very understandable because in the end, she retained her free will same as them all.
My classmates were attracted by my scent and Mellisa and Faith was wise enough to know how that I'd give myriad creative punishments
if they were showing nonchalance and at worst disinterest to please me while having our nightly fucking marathon.
The accumulated two weeks they've been with me had taught them well enough and aptly learned from their errors.
Well, Lillian's a new one and time will also be a good teacher for her. Just like the two before her. HAHAHA!
I looked at the girls who I had yet to fuck and said to myself that these ones will be treated differently.
While the others needed continued prodding and brandishing of the stick, the four newcomers would have none of that.
They all valued romance and all the silly notions it brought and quite frankly taken in by my irresistible charm. HAHAHA!
Each thought that the attraction they felt towards me was equivalent to something much greater than what it really was.
What naïve dolls! HAHAHA! Even without the threat of pain and suffering, each will do anything I ask of them.
Never underestimate the power of love. Or at least the illusion of it. HAHAHA!
These girls will cling on to the first one who can claim their once in a lifetime sweet delicious fruity cherry.
”Ahhh…” Sounds of lust echoed within the confines of my room. 2 fakes and 4 were real while the last one just stared at this all in silence.
It mattered not. Her turn will come eventually. HAHAHA!
Now time to focus on one bitch in the making. I peeled Beatrice's uniform off and an emerald lacy bra greeted my eyes.
Behind it were towering proud fuck toys that mirrored exactly in healthy amounts of tightly draped enchanting mounds of flesh.
”Tap!” the covering was unhooked and I did not wait for an invitation before I put one rubicund tip on my mouth.
It tasted nothing short of fantastic. Just like what I imagined it would. Young and fresh. The smell of youth and promise.
Beatrice's light perfume tickled my nose that made my rock hard cock even more eager for the upcoming battle.
I looked on what was happening on the side and my bitches were already naked and touching themselves to wetness.