Chapter 810 - 810 Twenty Four (1/2)

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”Nope.” They all took their turns but found nothing but the same answer from me.

”Tell us!” and the girls acted like spoiled bitches. Not that I blame them. Each was definitely a great ride to be on. And I intend to be the first one to taste their fresh juices.

”Only if all of you can keep it a secret.” I teased. Not like it needed to be hidden though. That cunt will join my harem this very night.

”Sure. You can trust us.” And they pledged like little babies. I waited for them to offer me pinky swears but that did not come though. What a relief!

”Okay then. It's Miss Lillian.” I finally revealed after ten breaths of suspense.

”Teacher Amber?!” HAHAHA! They were delicious to look at with how surprised they were. Should I fuck them all tonight? Hmmmm…. Let's see.

”Why? Am I not man enough for her?” I joked.

”It's just that…” Daisy was the one to answer.

”she's older?” and I finished for her.

She only nodded in assent.

”Well, mature women are more experienced and you should have seen her in bed.

She could drive me all day and never got tired of it all until she'd lost count of how many times she's cum.” I added too much information for effect.

”Ehem. Sorry for the crass talk.” And apologized like a gentleman that I was not. HAHAHA!

”No uh… It's okay. We're big girls already and we can take some naughty talks. Isn't that right, Team 17?” Beatrice led the group astray.

But the rest only shyly nodded in silence. Their flushed face was a lovely hue to witness and I could notice that the 2 rounds of drinks had already made them a little bit lightheaded.

They were surely not that used to drinking. But they will be. Soon enough. A master got to tame his pets well. HAHAHA!

”So we know that you're into older women, Damon.

But what do you think about young ones?” Beatrice asked again while her right hand softly landed on top of my pants and her motion did not simply stop at that landing.

Seemed like the question above just got answered for me. HAHAHA!

* * *

”I have no prejudice about young ones, Beatrice. The question remains… are you really sure about what you're going into?” I asked after I felt her hands on my hard cock.