Chapter 809 - 809 Twenty Three (1/2)

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Barbie doll out!

The mechanical voice of the can announced. I may have toyed with the name a bit. HAHAHA!

I smiled and looked at the rapidly ensuing battle before my eyes.

4v5? Easy peasy.


* * *

”AHHHHHHHH!” that was the third one who got his eggs broken by me. HAHAHA! Although the suits afforded protection but that did not mean we'd never feel any pain when taking hits.

That was only there to avoid unnecessary deaths especially with how rare these gifted were.

”I give up!”

”Don't come! Get away from me! Let me out of here!” And the rest of the team crumbled with our dominant performance.


”Team 17 wins!” our unseen referee announced.

”Yehey! We did it!”


”That was fun!”


My four lovely birds surrounded me in jubilation.

Breasts were rubbed shamelessly but i was oblivious to it all.

HAHAHA! I knew it was because of my influence on them. Sexual attraction was not a thing to scoffed at. It was real and it was out there. HAHAHA!

”We still have 9 more teams to face, girls.” i smiled at my gorgeous possessions.

A coin toss, 7 battles and 69 minutes later...

”The next one will be a three way battle. Same rules. Begin!” my teacher announced.

We were the lucky ones who did not fight a third time due to the uneven number of the remaining teams.

Well, I may have flipped the coin a bit for our favor. HAHAHA! Who would want to engage in useless fights than what was necessary?

”Battle starts in...




A humourless voice began its countdown...

”FIGHT!” and ended with a very dramatic effect that aptly stimulated the combatants within.

”BOOM!” a foot crushed the surface it perched upon that signalled the first offensive that was thrown.

15 of us inside the stage and my beautiful teacher picked me first as her opponent. HAHAHA!

Very predictable. Her eyes turned crimson same as the malignant ooze of power around her.

She flew at an unbelievable speed and I was quite sure that my classmates could never track her form with their naked eyes.