Chapter 808 - 808 Twenty Two (1/2)

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”I'm good.”

”Okay.” The rest answered but I merely smiled at the lovely eye candy.

”I'm Candice.” And the last one rendered her name on my tally.

”So who's going to be the one to lead us?” I wasted no time and immediately asked this important designation on the team.

And no one answered me. HAHAHA! Four girls blushed and look at their feet as if I was down there peeking up their flimsy panties.

”Okay. I'll be the leader of the group then.” Only nods and soft assents responded.

Maybe I should reduce the scents of lust I was letting the four of them experience. Even at an arm's distance,

I could smell the juicy fluids that were beginning to moist up on their tight untouched pussies.

I took a deep breath and thought. This will be a delicious treat indeed! HAHAHA!

”Good. Now tell me what your abilities are and at what level have you achieved.” I asked.

”High Jumping, level 1.”

”Underwater Breathing, Level 2.”

”Night Vision, Level 1.”

”Appearance Alteration, Level 1.”

What the fuck?! HAHAHA!

* * *

”Chin up, team! We can do this!” i tried to instil some life into my group. HAHAHA!

Everyone seemed downcast after the battle royale has started before us.


I should have picked those pretty ones with at least a decent amount of promise as an evolver but no, i had to use my other head with my choice.

Not that i regretted that decision though. HAHAHA! I gazed at my prospective harem members and a dribble of drool escaped the corners of my mouth.

Young, nubile, and fresh delicious meat. All mine for the taking! HAHAHA!

”Yes! We can beat them!” the cheery Beatrice seconded my act while the rest fiddled in their spots, afraid to even look at the conflagration of power in our front.

”Okay, next pair up! Team 17 and 18 go to the stage. And don't forget to wear your protective gears!” my biatch called for us. HAHAHA!

I smiled at her but she took no notice of it at all. Hmmm. Seemed like you deserved some more taming later on, cunt! HAHAHA!

The location of our exercise was not inside our classroom. We were in a large coliseum with lots of stages specifically intended for mock combat.

”Are you ready?!” Lillian asked.

”We are!”

”We are.”

Two responses with two different meanings behind. HAHAHA! What a sorry team i have.

”Battle starts in...




A humourless voice began its countdown...

”FIGHT!” and ended with a very dramatic effect that aptly stimulated the combatants within.


A wild kick was thrown like dagger amidst a thousand forces. Unpredictable and uncanny. A terrifying display of skill indeed.

A step...

2 steps...

But the flashy dance was dodged with two little steps... HAHAHA!