Chapter 720: Teddy and Justus Three Toes (1/2)

In a secret hideout of thieves somewhere near Far Water Town, a heated discussion was ongoing.

”Boss, I don't want to do this anymore!”

”I hear that Prince Ronan is a skilled swordsman!”

”He even slaughtered more than 3 dozen knights all by himself!” A shrewd looking man cried in fear.

”What are you talking about, Teddy? All of those are nothing but rumors. And besides, you don't have to confront the prince at all.

All you need to do is sneak inside his house and get the bag of gold from him. Get it?” The leader of the thieves replied.

They were called the Justus Three Toes Bandit Group and were a small-time gang in the area.

”B – but boss...” The robber named Teddy wanted to argue some more but alas, he was slapped by the harsh voice of his leader.

”No buts! Just do it!” Justus Three Toes cut Teddy off. Justus Three Toes was of course the name of the leader.

”Okay, boss.” Teddy had no choice but to obey.

”You can do it, Teddy!”

”We believe in you!”

”We'll drink and smoke for 3 days straight once you come back!” The thieves around Teddy tried to instill motivation in his soul.

One should know that Teddy had the quickest hand and the most silent feet of them all. If anyone could pull this job off successfully then it would be Teddy.

One day quickly passed and it was now high time for eve's turn to flourish. The night was deep and it was almost midnight once again.

”This kind of work is not easy at all.” Teddy said to himself after he unburied himself from his makeshift hiding place in the remote part of town.

He had entered Far Water Town at noon and waited patiently there. Now was the ripe time to strike whatever crime he wanted inside. Night time was indeed a robber's close friend.

”...” Teddy crouched low as he retraced his steps on a familiar spot. He had of course scouted the place up earlier and he was not alone in this wish.

One should know that our bored gamer has become extremely famous today. Thus, it was very easy for Teddy to go along the masses who wished to see the face of this prince.

They failed to realize this wish in the end but that did not matter for Teddy. All he needed was the location and he got it pretty conveniently.

”DING!” Teddy tried to push the front door and found it locked. This did not dishearten this thief at all. He would have been surprised to see it unlocked in these dark witching hours.

”THUD!” A rope was expertly thrown in the second floor and Teddy used this to provide him entry into our good gamer's domain.

He tried to be sneaky about it and peered through the slightly parted windows of the house. What he saw almost made him scream like a baby.

”A thief in the night. What a novel idea.” Our bored gamer softly said and Teddy his heart jumped out from right his chest.

”BANG!” Teddy did not even think twice about it and just directly came back to whence he came.

He had heard the stories about our avid gamer's deeds and so he did not want to lose his head in the process.