Chapter 719: 24 Hours (1/2)

The sneaky fellow tried to run but to no avail.

One should know that when the Heavenly Treasure Clay Brick resurrected the body of Prince Ronan, it also improved his body quality to the utmost level of what a mortal can achieve.

Thus, sprinting 100 meters in less than 10 seconds was all too natural for our very own protagonist. And there was even added weight on his body because of the sword on him.

”BANG!” Our bored gamer forgot all other pawns around him and focused on the archer. He caught up to him on time and kicked him hard on the back.

The poor fellow fell face down on the ground and more.

”PUCHI!” A not so gentle bite transformed the once pristine body of the archer. It took him a breath to note that he was already missing one arm from his body.

”FORGIVE ME, MY PRINCE!” The luckless archer cried. He could see death in the eyes of our good gamer and so he peed his trousers at this time.

Unfortunately for him, another strike caught him in a horizontal penalty.

”THUD!” A shocked head flew up and then gravity pulled it to the ground once more.

”All cowards and evil opportunists have a special place in hell.” Clark muttered and looked at the stunned faces of the knights.

Although they had long brought their sharp swords to bear with killing intent on their slashes but our bored gamer was still lenient and only broke their twin balls.

But this stealthy archer was on another level from them. Thus, our avid gamer granted him an early end from this world.

”KILL THIS BASTARD PRINCE FOR ME!” The commander of the knights was finally so angry.

A single death of his men would directly reflect on him and it was not good at all for his future prospects.

The battle was engaged once again but this time around, our bored gamer stopped being tolerant.







Wherever he went, a new head would be separated from its shoulders. Some grew scared and used bows instead of bravely engaging our bored gamer in melee combat.

Unfortunately for them, they were the next ones to die after they shot and missed thereafter.

* * *



”HAK!” Puking sounds could be heard in less than 10 minutes after our bored gamer got serious.

No more violent actions happened at this time since most of the knights were already dead or dying. Of the 90, 56 knights immediately departed to see their maker in this fateful morning.

”That person's name is Rupert Cook. He's the knight that you're all looking for.” Clark pointed at a particular knight on the ground.

Same as the rest of the survivors, Rupert was also cradling his broken balls down south. Our bored gamer would of course leave the best for last.

Surprisingly enough, this knight was the lewd last from last night who eyed the ladies of the town with vulgar eyes.

”You monster!” The father of the victim raged and began kicking the guilty knight. This woke up the rest of the men in Far Water Town and they joined in on the public execution.

They did not immediately kill Rupert Cook though but made him suffer so much before his death. Yes, they even let big animals such as horses do him on the back for quite some time.

It was an extremely bad way to go. Our bored gamer did not wait for this sad picture to finish.

”Take the dead away and kick the knights out of this town.” Clark ordered and there were only too many happy volunteers to do the job.