165 Chapter 165 The Three Divines! (1/2)
”Get. Out.” Clark growled the words down as he really did not want to do anything inside this bedroom with a dangerous yet innocent predator at his back.
He knew for a fact that Lin Che could single-handedly end his poor existence and thus, it was pretty stupid to lower his guard down with this Primal Warden around him.
”Why should i? If you want me to go out then you will have to do that yourself.”
Lin Che smiled and continued on standing there as if nothing in the world mattered to her but the current state of business of our bored gamer alone.
Clark would have no doubt berated the hard headed goddess but then he felt the gentle touch of Wan Fei on his arm.
”What's the harm in doing what she says, Clark? We should at least oblige your friend's request, yes?” The Queen of Haran had a mischievous smile on her face right now.
At once glance, our good gamer also realized what Wan Fei wanted to do. Alas, he knew better than to relax his defenses with an old executioner like Lin Che.
Not that the thought has not excited him one bit. It did very much indeed and his arousal could not have been more pronounced at the moment.
Unfortunately once again, our avid gamer did not want to lose his head in the process simply because the greedy monster between his legs could not help but drill once more into Wan Fei's tight depths.
”We have time on our side, Wan Fei. Let's wait for some other chances. Goodnight.” Clark said and kissed the forehead of the beautiful woman beside him.
After that, he was gone upon the next beat that followed. A moment later and the Primal Warden also vanished like the silent winds of the night.
”Just who are you, Lin Che?” Wan Fei asked in her lonesome. She knew that this mysterious new woman could not have been that simple.
Lin Che could even talk back to Clark easily which denoted enough that she had the strong capital in doing what she just did earlier.
”Perhaps Lin Che belongs to an influential clan. Hmmm...” Wan Fei took a long long while in guessing the origin of Lin Che before she finally retired for the eve.
* * *
”Don't tell me that you're going to stay all night long and watch me sleep until the break of dawn?”
Clark asked and the voice of annoyance could not have been more apparent in his words. Still, Lin Che ignored it all the same.
”You do what you need to do and i will also do the same, Foul Creature.”
The Primal Warden stood in all her glorious beauty and has not even cared one bit about the feelings of our bored gamer.
She was used to sacrificing herself for the greater good of everyone and was totally dedicated to uphold the purpose of why she was created by the Elder God in the first place.
”Suit yourself then.” Our bored gamer sighed and laid down on his bed without giving Lin Che any more of his mind.
He realized that this was a drastic truth that he needed to adapt quickly or else it would endlessly torment him with every beat of the clock.
Clark closed his eyes but his divine sense never wavered one bit on its focus towards his unwanted personal guard for the evening.
'More like an irritating jail guard. Tsk. Tsk. She has really done right to being one of the Primal Wardens.' Our good gamer could not help but jest about his situation.
It was his way of looking at the positive side of things even at the dire condition that he found himself right now.
'But i won't let you succeed for long, Lin Che. This I promise you!'
Clark vowed and immediately roamed a tiny part of his attention in some place else other than this suffocating small room that he currently shared with his gorgeous watchdog.
Since complaining would not have given him any good results at all, Clark has instead taken the initiative to learn more about his enemies.
* * *
In a land marked with only death and destruction, where only the dead stood supreme above all else, our bored gamer found himself looking at a 10 foot man in flashy cultivators robes.
This god was perhaps the only handsome picture amidst the ocean of ugly creatures around him.
Even the eyes that Clark used as his medium tonight was only composed of nothing but bones and rotting flesh.
Although it would have been better to take this interview in better circumstances where his system Nancy could not hear and see the result of this meeting but our sorry protagonist also had no choice in the matter.
'I doubt that i could keep a secret with Nancy fully connected to my soul at the moment.
And even if that were not the case also, that nosy Elder God would definitely know everything about me. Perhaps even before I could even dream about taking the first steps of my plans.'