164 Chapter 164 "I’ll only watch quietly in here. I promise." (1/2)

Clark looked at Lin Che for a full minute and the armored goddess also returned the stare with her usual enraged gaze.

But even with how emotionally triggered she was because of the current situation she faced, Lin Che still appeared as beautiful as ever.

'Perhaps even more lovelier than when she showed no feelings whatsoever when we first met.' Our bored gamer nodded as he totally agreed with his findings.

He remembered the cold yet murderous heart of Lin Che earlier and Clark was absolutely satisfied that he was able to put invisible chains on this woman's fatal powers.

A few breaths passed and a great change has come unto Lin Che. And this was exactly the moment that our good gamer has been waiting for all along.

”Stay here and get as far away from me as you can. Or else...” Clark said and he stood from his seat thereafter.

One second more and he was gone to travel the ever mysterious ways of the void.

He was going back home towards familiar friendly faces and it would be a lie indeed to say that he was not happy to leave the vicinity of this dangerous Primal Warden.

”You are wise indeed. But you fail to judge the commitment I have for my quests.” Lin Che whispered and followed the actions of our bored gamer.

She stood up abruptly and almost stumbled where she stood. She wobbled for a few breaths before she gathered herself in full.

It was curious to see that from the 2nd Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm, Lin Che has now surprisingly returned to being at the 1st Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm once more.

In truth, this displayed quite clearly one of the most nagging limitations of her makeup also.

Nevertheless, this much difficulty was certainly not enough to hold the will of someone who has lived for countless eras, epochs, and eons already.

”...” Without another word spoken, Lin Che walked calmly outside and not one soul in this entire place has noticed that a True Goddess has recently walked amongst them today.

The merry tribesmen continued to dance and sing into the night.

* * *

”Pheew! It's getting pretty hard to associate with violent and unreasonable women left and right.

It would be good if they were like tsunderes in japanese animes that would fall in love with me but in this xianxia world, i doubt that i would have it easy like the set of dense mcs in those shows.”

Clark muttered once he returned to his room in the Demonic Sword Sect and did what he was usually best at.

”THUD!” Our bored gamer's tired body jumped on the bed face down first.

Although the physical torment was negligible enough but the feeling of being used for other people's entertainment did not sit well with our avid gamer.

”So you hide at this place. It's much different than what i had imagined.” The newcomer was of course Lin Che.

”I told you to keep away from m...”

Clark said as he raised his voice more than he initially intended but alas, there was more stronger stimulus than anger which stopped him completely dumbstruck on the bed.

Our bored gamer was only successful in turning around but when he finally saw the vision that awaited him, no more words flowed out from his tongue.

Before him stood a perfect woman in golden colored fairy robes. Gone were the armors she used to wear and even her height has been diminished to a mere six foot five inches.

Exactly the same with our bored gamer's stature. With just one look, Clark realized that this would spell trouble for him.

A Primal Warden near him definitely did not bode well to his continued peaceful existence.

”Why are you here?” Clark whispered as if he was afraid to break this unforgettable moment he found himself sharing with the usually homicidal Lin Che.

Their eyes connected as one but alas, it was so sad that only our bored gamer felt something but the woman who was the center of his universe right now seemed oblivious to it all.

”What do you think, Foul Creature? I'm here to make sure that you will never steal another life ever again.” Lin Che proclaimed and stood there like an Eternal Sentinel.

For a Supreme Expert like her, there would be little to no question at all that she would do exactly what she had spoken.

Alas, that did not mean that our bored gamer would take this change lying down. And so he rose and resisted with all the passion he could conjure and fake at the moment.

”BUT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! You should not be here at all?!” Clark roared.

”...” And he was met with only the uncaring sigh of silence. The beats of the clock continued ticking as two mighty personalities tested the resolve of each other.

A full minute elapsed and upon the next breath that entered, Clark did not give up and so he tried again.

”Don't you have other more important things to do?” Our exasperated protagonist asked. A little bit softly this time around.

”I'm stopping evil from doing its wishes and hindering it from spreading further into the lives of the innocents right now. I have nowhere else to be but here.”

Lin Che retorted and just like always, did not even budge an inch from where she perched that luscious body of hers.

'FUCK ME!' Clark could not help but massage his forehead in response.