Chapter 65: Ice Cream (2/2)
However, seeing the smile on the female corpse’s mouth, he calmly took two steps back, trying to put some distance between the tightly hugging mother and daughter.
Cai Yu’s mother smiled in tranquility, but her grin became wide and wider, gradually turning itself into a cold one.
Before Chu Fu could react, the freezer’s glass door had suddenly closed all by itself. Shortly after a few seconds, the freezer door had been tightly shut.
Through the see-through glass, the mother and daughter, who were hugging each other tightly, seemed like human statues——
It was strange, weird, and also full of artistic sense.
A smile was maintained on Bai Yan’s face, and as the glass door was shut, the lingering gloom stuck in his brows had disappeared out of sight, making him look unexpectedly quiet.
However, this quiet expression only lasted for a moment.
Like the increasingly cold smile on the female corpse’s face, he also slowly drew back the corners of his mouth, having an uncanny resemblance to the malicious ghost.
“Mommy, should we get out?”
In the freezer, after being embraced for a long time, Cai Yu used her tiny ice-cold hands to pat her mom’s leg, trying to struggle free from her mom’s embrace. But, her mom still held her tightly, as if nothing could get her to let go.
“Mommy, this place is too cold. Let go of me and let’s go home.”
Cai Yu lifted her small face, wanting to tell her mom to let go, but upon meeting the female corpse in the eye, she saw that the female corpse had a shady and wretched smirk on her face.
Unlike the fearlessness she had when digging up the ice cream, when she saw this terrifying expression, Cai Yu trembled in fear as she started to do her best to struggle free.
“Mommy, let go of me!”
“Mommy, why is your smile so scary?”
“Mommy, why aren’t you talking?”
Cai Yu finally realized that something was wrong, so she used the ice cream surrounding her feet and desperately tried to scramble away from the female corpse’s grasp.
She looked to her side for help but only discovered that the freezer door had already been closed for who knows how long, trapping her inside the storage unit.
Cai Yu scaredly opened her mouth, wanting to call out for help, but the female corpse lifted its hand and quickly covered her mouth.
The female corpse hugged Cai Yu as it slowly lied back down, inch by inch.
Cai Yu’s eyes looked horrified. She turned her head and rigidly gazed beyond the glass, but not a single word could come out of her mouth.
When the female corpse had lain flat down, the small mountain of ice cream had abruptly toppled over, completely burying the two.
Cai Yu’s young body was quickly buried under the pile of ice cream with the female corpse, only exposing a tiny green shoe.
The child’s shoe was on top of the ice cream, slightly struggling. But soon, it stopped and trembled, resting above the frozen treats and peacefully leaning against them.
After watching from start to end, Bai Yan heaved a breath of relief.
The smile on his face dwindled into nothing as if he had just watched a shocking movie. His face was full of satisfaction from watching until the end.
Originally, he had wanted to look for a way to survive.
But seeing how Cai Yu vigorously dug through the frozen treats, he became fascinated and forgot about the matter at hand for a moment.
However, at first, he had intentions of saving the first person and just let him indulge himself, throwing himself into watching the app’s personally directed drama.
Anyway, there were still three people left, so he wasn’t worried.
Bai Yan swept a glance across the freezer. Since there were two people below, the ice cream appeared to be packed high, giving the freezer a fuller appearance.
After Cai Yu was completely buried inside the freezer, Chu Fu had then lifelessly responded, saying with a dry voice, “Ho-How could this be?”
‘Shouldn’t the female corpse die but still not forget her daughter? How could it be the same as the fierce ghost from her last game?’
Chu Fu, who witnessed the young girl’s tragic demise, felt her heart become especially upset.
She turned her head, wanting to ask some questions to Bai Yan, but she could only spit out the word ‘You’ and suddenly close her mouth.
‘That’s right! This guy was a nutcase. He could even ruthlessly turn his hand against the players, what more for a mere NPC?’
Chu Fu painfully swallowed back the questions she wanted to ask and instead, said, “Why didn’t you save her? What will happen to our task?”
“This one looked terribly fascinating, so I forgot. Aren’t you the same as me?” After watching this drama, Bai Yan’s mood was cheerful. He couldn’t be bothered about Chu Fu and just waved his hand, frankly saying, “Regarding this problem, shouldn’t we be concerned with ourselves first? Are you still going to eat your ice cream?”
Upon hearing what he said, Chu Fu immediately bowed her head to look at her shopping cart.
Before Cai Yu entered the freezer, she grabbed a small box of ice cream from another storage unit.
Now, she knew exactly what was buried at the bottom of the freezer.
This storage unit contained Cai Yu and her mom, but for the other freezers… they might not have something buried in them yet.
Thinking of this, Chu Fu’s face turned green as the sadness she felt from earlier had somewhat dissipated.
She didn’t dare get any closer to the freezer and also couldn’t look straight at the pile of ice cream. She pushed her shopping cart along and acted like someone who doesn’t have common sense, throwing the box of ice cream away to an unchilled place.
Chu Fu was pushing her cart forward when her stomach started gurgling, her stomach sending out waves of grumbling from time to time.
She suddenly felt hungry, very hungry.
T/N: Hi everyone, just wanted to announce that I will be taking a hiatus the whole June. You can read more about it here. Cheers!