107 Went to Personally Apologize (1/2)
Nevertheless, even though the guard was present, he was sure that some women who have no shame would still try to hit on him.
Just like the one that was wearing a two-piece bikini that barely covers anything all. He vowed that if the woman tried to hit on him one more time with her obnoxious, cloying perfume Han Jun was going to report her for sexual harassment.
It was a good thing that the woman was smart enough to know when to stop. Han Jun came back from his workout feeling sweaty and very much refreshed.
He had thought of several news headlines, and he believed he knew just what to do. Han Jun stopped at one of the door and listened.
'Someone was pacing.' Han Jun sighed. Only Han Mei could make pacing so loud and annoying.
'How does she do it when the floor in this hotel is mostly covered by carpet?' He questioned silently to himself. Han Jun knocked on the Han Jie's room. When he heard affirmation, he entered with great trepidation.
”Good morning, cuz.” Han Jun said, walking with a frown. In all honestly, he wanted to avoid getting sucked into a conversation with her. His only consolation was that Han Mei was still easier to talk to than Han Jie. 'Let's hope the pregnancy hormones did not change her personality.' He thought silently.
”Good morning. Have you seen Jie Jie?” Han Mei asked. She had stopped pacing, and she stared at Han Jun's with worry, ”She is not picking her phone. Jonah is the same as well.”
”Nope. You should probably take a shower, get ready for our day.” Han Jun said, cursing at himself for slowing down to speak to his cousin.
”Sure thought it's just a few minutes to eight. Do you think she's okay?” Han Mei asked, chewing nervously on her lower lip. ”She is not going to go with us?”
Han Jun gave her a pointed look before walking out. Since Han Mei did not get a response, she chased after him. ”JunJun, what are you hiding from me?” She demanded unhappily.
He leaned on his room door, one hand on the handle, ”What if I am?” Han Jun asked as he tilts his chin challengingly. He was just messing with her, but in all honesty, Han Jun had no idea of what his rebellious cousin was doing now.
Before she could even reply, he cut her off. ”Stop worrying. Our appointment is by nine. Yes, she will be fine. But are you?” Han Jun asked, a sincere look of concern on his face.
She gave him a forced smile, ”Yes, thank you. Should I order you breakfast?” Han Mei answered, not pretending to misunderstand the question.
”No, thanks. Coffee is good.” Han Jun said and opened his room door.
”What about dad?” Han Mei asked tentatively.
”Of course. Thanks, cuz.” Han Mei said, a smile on her face as she went back to her room.
Han Jun muffled his sigh of relief and entered his own room. Han Jun took his own advice, showered and dressed as quickly as he could. He wore his usual all black. Black suit, black shirt, black tie.
He knew for sure Han Jie was wearing something similar. The thought made him frown. Han Jun liked to be unique, and although the all-black style wasn't all that unique, no one wore it as constantly as he did.
Han Jun also considered that as an achievement. Han Jun left his room, all the while adjusting his gold cuff links. He had inherited everything that belonged to his parents, including his mother's clothes. Han Jun had gotten rid of everything except the jewelry.
His father's pride had not allowed him to by a cheap knock-off of jewelry. This meant Han Jun had inherited jewelry worth millions. Not like Han Jun cared. He'd taken only the cuff links and left every other thing in the bank.
Han Jun had been hoping to give his mother's jewelry to aunt Hua on her 50th birthday, but she had died two months to her birthday. Han Jun had never mentioned the jewelry since then. Han Jun dropped his hands to his side, finally done with adjusting his cuffs before coming face to face with his uncle.
Han Feng, Han Jun noted, was dressed in his usual wears. Navy suit, white shirt, navy tie. Han Jun had no issues with that. His only issue was the way his uncle was looking so tired and haggard.
”Good morning, uncle.” Han Jun said, going to stand by his uncle's side in case he needed support.
The man snorted, ”I'm fine, do not insult me for thinking I am old and weak. You do not need to stand by me.” Han Feng said as he drew himself together and started to walk towards the sitting room.
”You are very observant today, sir. A dose of Sherlock?” Han Jun asked, humor deep in his voice. Han Feng chuckled gleefully. Han Jun barely suppressed his smile of joy.