105 If Coke Cleaning Would Fix i (1/2)
Regarding Han Mei's mistake before that resulted in the marriage now, Han Jie was not so sure about the complete details.
Han Jie wished she knew who was draining the family so badly. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight him or her, since nobody was saying anything about it. Even her father decided to compromise.
However, if she knew who the meanie bully corporate person, she'd draw him or her a very graphic death and send it to the person in question as the end of the new series she was going to start based on her sister's life and the person as the bad guy. The bad guy being a cursed rat that no one would kiss to help lift the curse.
Han Jie slept with this in mind. She did not know the time she managed to do it, but she still woke up early.
She sat up and stared straight ahead at the door before turning to check the time on the alarm clock. Five am. Han Jie wanted to sigh long and loud, but she settled for a small miserable sigh.
Han Jie had time, that much she knew, but she didn't know what to do with it. She flushed in embarrassment when she realized that the only address of his she knew was his office. She had never asked for where he lived.
She had contemplated the option of waiting for Suzuki Kyou to pick up her sister then asked to talk to him in private. However, her sister will surely refuse.
It would have been convenient to talk to him over the phone only, but the chance of being hung up on is high.
Well, not knowing where he leaves either means 'I'm-- was a bad fiancee or I'm not a stalker.' She thought to herself mockingly.
Han Jie rationalized to herself. 'I need a shower then lots of food, especially the desserts, to have energy for later…' Han Jie thought as she carefully snuck off the bed.
She got into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, and got into the shower. Han Jie had been planning what she was going to say to Suzuki Kyou when she saw him. Han Jie had thought a couple of statements to give him a piece of her mind since the time Han Mei was with him. Like:
It's illegal to keep someone against their wishes.
My sister won't be happy living with a tyrant.
My sister won't be happy with someone who has a questionable sexual preference.
Something like that. But now, after knowing that Suzuki Kyou is willing to continue the marriage despite her sister being pregnant, she wasn't so sure what to do anymore. Him just doing so was commendable regardless of his reason.
Still, at the end of the day, it's not right. Probably both of them don't have a choice?
'My family also depends on this.' Han Jie, the best option for her was to coke clean about the whole situation.
Hopefully, if that would work, miraculously. Han Jie thought sarcastically to herself and sighed.
Han Jie glared at the shampoo on the shower bench and grabbed it.
'Might as well be very clean.' She thought grudgingly and washed her hair. Han Jie got out of the shower feeling better but not as refreshed as she wanted to be.
She wrapped her hair in another one of the fluffy towels the hotel provides for its guests. She wiped off the steam that had covered her mirror thanks to her shower with another towel then stared at herself.
Han Jie had no idea who she should dress as. Herself or her sister? Would Suzuki Kyou know the difference?
She sadly shook that thought away. He probably wouldn't care. She thought dejectedly. Then she squared her shoulders and stared at her reflection.
It didn't matter if she was going as herself. Her family needed her to do this. And she was going to do that on her terms.
Which also meant she was going to go dressed as herself. Han Jie snuck out of the bathroom into the room. Her sister was still asleep. Han Jie tried as quietly as possible to pick out her clothes before sneaking back onto the bathroom. She stumbled over a stray shoe and banged her knee against the closet door. Loudly.
Han Jie bit her tongue and tried her hardest not to curse out loud. She snuck a look at her sister. She was still sleeping. That was close. Han Jie thought before hobbling to the bathroom.
Han Jie quietly dressed in her clothes. Black jeans, a black band t-shirt with blood-red roses on it, though she really wasn't sure what band that was, and her favorite pair of black sneakers.
She looked in the mirror and grinned. Her color scheme reminded her of the first time she had gone to the Suzuki offices.
The grin faded from Han Jie's face. She sincerely hoped things would go as well as it did that day.
Han Jie hung up the towels and cleaned out the bathroom as best as she could without making it obvious she was trying to hide something.
She got out of the bathroom and moved quietly to grab her phone from where it was. Han Jie made sure to be well out of the room before checking the time. Ten minutes to six.
Han Jie sat in the living room and texted Jonah, hoping he was awake. Han Jun would be waking up at six like clockwork for his morning workout.
Han Jie: Hey, you awake?