296 No Pregnancy For There To Be A Miscarriage (1/2)
She had no issue with their internal feuds but she just couldn't stomach the thought of someone mourning her child when he wasn't even conceived, It was like jinxing it!
Pausing Madam Li blinked and tried to make a sense of her words when finally her words registered, she gasped in shock.
She pushed out of Li Yuan's hold and looked about ready to claw Lei Xinyi's pretty face, ”You gold digger Wh*re! You shammed the Li Family…”
Lei Xinyi held up her hand stopping her, she rolled her eyes at the disbelief on the woman's face at being cut off like that, ”First off, no. I am not a wh*re as I am not sexually active and your dear son hasn't paid me a penny as of yet.
Secondly, the situation with me was a phantom pregnancy. I had morning sickness due to a stomach bug and the pregnancy kit just came positive due to higher protein intake. There was no pregnancy for there to be a miscarriage.”
This s her way of dissolving the situation and if Madam Li had even a speck of sense in her she would let this go. Calling Li Yuan a liar would not achieve anything for her so this was the best course of action.
If it was about to be a lie, she would rather have a lie where it could be just a mere default than where they would possibly reveal skeletons in their closet.
But Li Yuan saw this as her undermining his authority, ”There wasn't?” He brought his piercing glare to set on her, challenging her to disagree.
”No, there wasn't.” She whispered quietly yet firmly and looked away as hurt flashed in her eyes.
It hurt her to see how his ego would always stand in front of his reasoning. She was frustrated and this life sucked! So bound, so restricted! She was like a snake snatched from the wilder and caged in a glass box, she wanted to crawl away but there was no opening.
Without waiting for their reaction she went to the bathroom to dress for the day.
The warm water hit her skin relaxing and calming her. She stood under the shower trying to wrap her head around all of this. It sucked her spirit indefinitely to imagine this all lies to be her life.
She closed her eyes and exhaled. What had she done? Did she sign up for this life where they had to lie to save face about even their unborn child?! She shook her head at the thought. It was either that or she was going to be a puppet then a martyr.
The question was what else could she do? She was trapped between a rock and a hard place, it was either living a stuck up life here or throwing herself to the wolves.
Not to be a narcissist or something but why did people have to assume she was some s*x crazed beast that would seduce the men around her. She had never, until someone certain, had ever lusted after a man and if not for her circumstances she would probably be a virgin or celibate!
She was tired of people assuming she was in it for the money. She was an exceptional peerless surgeon and when a man is on death's doorstep he would even sell his soul so she could very well earn herself a fortune by slandering money from rich men! And she had her own inheritance!
She felt angry at the surrounding, disappointing with unreasonable excuses and… and hurt for GOD knows what! All these emotions were getting exhausting and crushed her. She just wanted to get all of this over with and out of here.
She was his mother. Of course, she will always be the one he would want to cushion the fall for and she was a replaceable prospect bed warmer. Her lips pursed as she held herself from trashing something, preferably his handsomely gorgeous face.
If only the woman wasn't his mother she would have ripped that pretty Botox face and showed her who was the wh*re, here. She took a calming breath when she was just a moment away from wrecking the place.
She dried herself and took a moment to herself before she could face the hails and storms waiting just right out of the door to wet her all over again.
”No, there wasn't.”
He saw it and it angered him to think that she was hurt and instead of fighting it out with him she would walk away. It was like she was putting hands off a battle she thought wasn't worth fighting.