21 Unpopped Cherry (1/2)
As Madam Lu left the table giving a hard glare to Lei Xinyi, Lu Sheng indicated with his one hand and the maids and butler who were going to clear the table left immediately.
On the Breakfast table when only Lei Xinyi, Lu Sheng and Lu Han was left, Lu Sheng turned to Lei Xinyi and said in suppressed anger, ”Lu Xinyi, drop the act. We know you are not happy with this marriage. No sane girl who is not his fan girl would be happy marrying that fu*ker. He just wants you to be a trophy wife for him!”
Frowning her brows Lei Xinyi inwardly rolled her eyes 'more family drama' but then giving an equally stressed expression she sighed as if she was too much worn out of stress.
”So what can I even do?! Just let it be Lu Sheng, I feel too I should give a chance to this marriage.” She tried to dissolve the conversation.
Lu Sheng frowned his brows, since when did his year-elder sister called him by his full name. Even though they had never been close to each other, she always called him 'Xiao Sheng' and she NEVER had opinions.
She always did what people told her to. .....And what happened to her hairs? Later he will ask her but right now they had other important matters at hand!
What the hell could have happened in a day and a night to change her so much? Lu Han told him she was acting 'different' but this is just too different!!
It's definitely because she is upset and is therefore trying to act unruly!! Poor Lu Xinyi!!
What he didn't know was right now Lei Xinyi was in her most ruly behavior….
Deciding to change the approach Lu Sheng sighed and said, ”Listen Lu Xinyi, we have never been on close terms but we don't see how this marriage is fair to you. We realized we should have helped you sooner, we feel bad you had to face all that alone….” Stopping he inspected her expression, nonchalant.
Getting irritated Lu Sheng said sternly, ”….All we are trying to do is help you!”
”Help me? And how are you going to do that?!” Bowing her hand on her chest, she asked sarcastically.