Chapter 134: Jingle Bells Rocks (1/2)

400 years ago, the world ended. The age of heroes was ripped from the light line, and the world was plunged into darkness. That was until V.I.R.A.L an organisation saved the remnants of humanity from total extinction. From the ashes of a former world rose a new one as did society rebuilt and flourished under their protection. The unknown forces that left the world dying vanished never to be heard from again. With that sense of peace, the country now known as Victoria returned to a natural way of life and it has for over 400 years. In place of heroes Streamers emerged, superhumans who not only fought against evil and villainy but inspired the next generation with endless entertainment with Streamers all fighting for the top spot. Although corruption and self-greed had taken V.I.R.A.L hostage over the past decade, new streamer stepped up reigning the concept of heroes once again putting to rest those ideals hopefully once and for all. Humanity is once again at an all-time high.

This, however, like all things won't last. Echoes of the old-world sooth into our own as the very evil that looked to destroy Victoria is slowly returning. Known only as the Garden, a mysterious and unknown world of wonder and relics lost to time. At the helm, powerful entities told as the Gardeners, God-like beings who seek only for the world they cannot have to be reduced to nothing. In their game of life and death, they've tasked five almighty demons to do their biddings and lay waste to humanity. The five stages of Grief, greedy, selfish and evil people who seek only one thing in life. Salvation. With their imprisonment 400 years ago whispers of their return now made its way through Victoria with uncertainty in both V.I.R.A.L and Streamers. However, none of these whispers or echoes could be any further from the cold truth at hand. For this threat is in fact much closer than anyone truly could ever expect…


A set of hikers had snuck beyond the wall of Rhinefield to venture into the harsh winter of the outside world. They had been planning such feats for months learning through forums and whispers on the perfect spot to avoid the all-seeing eyes. Their patients had paid off as they were now a fair distance from the safety of the walls. With their eyes on the hidden treasuries lost to the storm as well as hope to see their former home deep within Sunset peak. The hikers pushed through working against the deadly storm, which was unnerving and never-ending. Some time had passed, and there was no clear sign of anything in the far distance. The downpour of sleet and snow-covered anything in its thick fog, leaving only a small percentage of the area to be sighted. This left the hikers wondering endlessly forward in one direction to avoid getting totally lost, their footprints withering away as untouched snow took form hiding their journey from plain sight. Not one of them had said a word if they did it was impossible to hear feats with the defining blizzard. All of them just kept walking in hopes of a sign, anything to show they were coming up on their destination but with each heavy tread worry and doubt crept up leaving them anxious and wanting to turn back.

A heavy force held down on them, it wasn't one of weight or fatigue. It to them felt like unnatural dread and fear. It was in the air whistling between their ears taunting them with mindless whispers. Few of those might have sounded like words, but none of them would dare bring that up. As the storm seemly reached its climax with a horrendous wailing blinding them for each other, none of them could even see their hands before their face. It was a true whiteout. That was until it all stopped. The storm suddenly faded. The screeching against their ears turned to a peaceful hum. Their sight now crystal clear. Each of the hikers contained spooked by the sudden change each just as clueless as to the other. Behind them was still the same ice age but for that sort moment. In this specific area, it was a safe haven so much, so they began taking off their coats and gloves boiling in a sudden burst of warmth. Now down to their basic clothes, the hikers left their gear as they kept walking captivated by this discovery. The snow was a kind warmth one a pillow might mimic after a long day of work. They felt safe and welcome to this discovery. That was until it hit them again. The massive force this time much worse. It was unbearable slowing them down to a near halt. One of them collapsed from the pressure. None of them went back to him. The remaining three hikers kept walking in a trance-like state towards their new objective.

Small-time past and the last two hikers stopped looking up in absolute horror and distort at a colossal tree with vibrant sickling purple leaves. The tree seemed to keep growing in size, towering them like ants. One by one, the last two hikers fell by the sheer power of the tree the snow slowly eating away and consuming them, leaving nothing to remain. The last hiker before his demise spotted a figure close to the tree walking towards them, the figure was small with long hair. Before he could get a better look, the snow took him as the storm picked up again and it all vanished from existence.


”We are what will come. We are what will always occur. You may fight it, run from it, delay it. But like death, we are inevitable. You feel denial. Anger swells. You wish to bargain. You fall into the abyss of depression. And finally, you accept us with open arms. We are this world's salvation, and we are here. Come find us, we will be waiting.”

Alton woke with a sudden gasp, almost falling from the sofa in a frenzied look. He waved his arm out to stop his fall, knocking over the small Christmas tree he had set up. Those words were haunting him again. They had been haunting him since the competition with no sign of stopping. Were they a taunt of power? An invitation to something more? Or a desirable trap he wasn't sure. ”With the shocking turn of events occurring with our yearly V.I.R.A.L League two months ago the citizens of Rhinefield look to a more peaceful end of year season. Many of the streamers are taking breaks or cutting back at streams for the festive time of year. With just two weeks till Christmas, many are wondering if there will be any more surprises coming our way.”

Alton switched off the TV, standing up, rubbing his eyes exhausted. He glossed over a poor excuse for Christmas decorations but with all things considering he wasn't exactly in the holiday spirit. Picking the small worn-down Christmas tree, he rested it back on the table, turning on the lights. No response, as he was about to change the batteries, the door knocked. ”Is that the time already?” He whispered to himself, still caught up half asleep.

Opening the door Gale and Emil stood dressed in their Santa outfits with presents. ”Merry Christmas!”

”Hey, hey where's your Santa outfit we got you?” Gale barked.

Alton turned his head still seeing it sitting in its packaging on his bed. ”Ugh, I've been busy?”

The two friends walked in, looking slightly underwhelmed. ”What the hell is this? Where're your Christmas decorations, and what not? You were supposed to go all out on this party.”

Alton rubbed the back of neck yawning. ”Sorry, I don't really celebrate Christmas anymore. I usually just put the small tree and maybe a wreath on the door. Last year I was working three part-time jobs I forgot it was even Christmas… This is your fault, to be honest.”

”Whoa! Don't go pinning this on me Alton buddy old pal.” Gale snapped, folding his arms. ”All our names were in that hat. You were chosen, so we expected you to put in a little bit of effort into this.”

”He has a point, Alton. This is the first official Team Rhapsody Christmas Party.”

”Yeah, yeah. You're right. I'm sorry, I've just had my mind so fixated on other things it's hard to get anything done.”

”Well, I'm sure we can spouse up this party a bit make it look more Home Alone and less Christmas Carol.”

”Just leave out the traps, will you?” Alton sighed, closing the door only hearing it ring again instantly. ”What the?”

Opening the door again, confetti was blown in his face as Iris yelled out. ”Merry Christmas.”

”The Alice also wishes you good fortune…” Alice bows. ”We've brought presents.”

Letting them in Gale already had Christmas music playing. As Alton was closing the door, Scarlett put her foot out stopping it. ”Good evening Alton and many merry wishes to you.”

”Yeah, you too…” Closing the door, Alton waited for a short while anticipating the door again. This time he was lucky as he was able to walk away collapsing onto his sofa yawning. ”How's the weather outside?”

”A bit nippy, I must say,” Scarlett recalled placing down her presents. ”But it's nothing compared to your brutal might Alton.”

”I can't tell if that's an insult or compliment.”

Scarlett ran her fingers under his chin winking. ”For you only compliments.” Alton didn't give much of a reaction yawning again. ”Restless nights?”

”That obvious?”

Iris plopped onto the sofa next to him nodding. ”I know how that feels. Whenever it was Christmas Eve Alice and I could never sleep. We would try and stay up for as long as possible waiting for Santa. But we would always fall asleep before he arrived.”

”You really have no worries in the world, do you?”

Iris leaned towards Alton moving her head around smirking. ”You have something on your face.”

Licking her finger, she wiped a small bit of chocolate from Alton's face. ”Oh, I must have gotten too careless with the chocolate cake… Wait I thought you were blind?”

Iris leaned back looking happier than ever. ”I've been having treatment for my sight. It's very slow right now, but I'm starting to see very faintly if I look right up close.”

”We can thank Helga for that. She is a miracle worker. She believes Iris could have her normal eyesight back in about eight months.”

”That's rad,” Gale yells from the kitchen. ”We'll have to throw another party for that.”