Chapter 107: Victory Royale (1/2)

”Heroes, streamers, outlaws, these three unlikely groups come together for the ultimate prize, fame and fortune just above the horizon. That's right ladies and gentleman! It's that time once again, I'm your host Deadlyjonstar and my wonderful host. J4J4.”

”Good afternoon people of Victoria. I can already see the buzz for this year, we haven't seen this much excitement for a yearly Royale in almost a decade. How about you tell us why Jon?”

”My pleasure Emily. As we already know, our once number one streamer, the pride and joy of Rhinefield was shocking put behind bars for serval murders and a heated controversy put against by our very own Team Rhapsody.”

”Love those guys.”

Jon flicked his pen around looking into the camera smirking. ”But I think I know what the public is thinking now. Who will get the Victory Royale?!”

Emil leaned back showing a slideshow of the yearly V.I.R.A.L League and Vanguard winning each and every one of them. ”This heated debate has led the country by storm. With Vanguard out of the picture for the first time in fifteen years, someone else will finally have the chance to win. That they do, tell me Jon, who's your money on this year?”

”Ruby, of course, it's only natural the number two streamer is the next in line in taking the big win.”

”How about a regular on the show Goro? He showed interest last year in taking part but pulled out at the last second.”

”I don't know Emily; he hasn't been active for a while. But this debate as taken the forums by storm. We sent out a poll earlier this week to see who they think would win and from what our top five suggest it's anyone game. The number one pick was, of course, the number two streamer Alice Hawthorne this was to nobodies' surprise. The second pick was tied between Goro the number three streamer and our partner Diego the number ten streamer. Fourth is the crazed Montague Jinx, and the fifth-place choice was Team Rhapsody's leader Alton Brantley.”

”Quite surprised he wasn't on that list any higher. We've shown the clip dozens of times, but the way he decimated Paradox during that raid was pure hype.”

”Well all considering it has to rain for the guy to get to that level, he might find it difficult if the odds aren't in his favour. But these five streamers do spark some debate. Each one of these streamers has proven themselves time and time again, so really, it's anyone's game. Speaking of streamers, the audience at home loves him. He's a regular on the show, big round of applause for our number ten streamer Diego Jolts!”

Diego, a tall skinny man with long golden blonde hair tied into a ponytail, waltz in pointing to the cameras as he sat in his seat sipping on the glass of water. ”Emily, Jon, great to see you both again! Congratulations on hitting 100,000 followers by the way, always a big fan of this web series.”

”The honours all ours Diego, so tell us, how has the buzz been around the contest been for you? I'm sure your audience is as hyped as ever.”

Diego laughed, tapping the table. ”I don't think I can escape the hype; it's even catching me off guard, you know! I, of course, can't say no to such opportunity with Vanguard gone. I think that's how many streamers are all feeling right now.”

”That they are, Diego, that they are. Tell us, you've seen the polls how do you stack your odds against these other four?”

”Can I just say whoever put me up that high is crazy? I am nowhere near the level these other crazy streamers are. I mean you have Alice and Jinx on the same list, my chances are quite slim. Although I am quite eager to go up against Alton.”

”Ooh, you have your eyes on the Blizzard of Victoria they are calling him. You think you have a chance against him?”

Diego gave a shocked look shaking his head. ”You kidding me? That guy would snap me in two like an ice lolly. No, just the way he fights, the way he never gives in just intrigues me.”

”Do we have a fan of Rhapsody?”

”Now, I wouldn't go that far, although I must admire their courage and willpower. It takes a lot to just start out eight months ago and almost be in the top twenty. But I'll be frank with you without Alton Rhapsody are just backup singers.”

Emil scoffed eyed widened as she began moving back and forth. ”Now that's quite the statement there Diego.”

Diego shrugged his shoulders. ”I mean no ill will by it. I just can't see many of them getting far in the contest. The only one who might make it somewhere is the newest member Scarlett. But even then, don't get your hopes up too much.”

”So, you're entering the competition then?”

”Correct.” Diego gloated. ”Although I can't quite see myself winning it should be far more interesting to see who comes out on top this time around.”

”So, you're just entering for the buzz?”

”It would be idiotic of me not to cash in on the hype. Even if I don't win, I can still gain a following. I really have nothing to lose, and besides, it will be pretty exciting to see those titans of streamers going head to head.”

”If that's the case, here's our final question, who do you think is going to win?”

”If I had to bet my money on someone. I'd like for Dauntless to take the win. My money is on Alton Brantley.”


”That is all we have time for today, thank you for tuning in. Until next week stay viral!”

Gale leaned back scoffing to himself. ”What a joke. Who's he to say how far we would get? He didn't sound that confident in himself either. Who the hell is he anyway?”

”Another streamer clearly, Diego Jolt, his streaming name is more infamous. Ever heard of Crimson Dawn?” Emil stated.