Chapter 56: Acceptance (1/2)

Gale had chosen to sleep in on this day. Getting up early would mean facing his family. If he could sleep in for as long as possible, then it would mean less time worrying about the truth he would have to accept. While Alton and Scarlett had spent the night protecting the village he had hid away refusing to help, doing so would seal his fate and hold him accountable for all that happened.

Knowing all too well he couldn't keep this up forever he pulled himself out of bed seeing a fresh set of clothes on his chair. He held them up realising that they were, in fact, his father's favourite set. Snarling at the thought, he reluctantly threw them on storming down the stairs. Heading straight for the door, it was already halfway open before he stopped. ”You heading out so soon? I made you breakfast.”

Gale turned to his mother, who held a plate of eggs and bacon with a concerned look. ”I'm not hungry.”

”Please, just sit with me.”

Gale huffed closing the door throwing his shoes off and slumping down in the kitchen. He began playing at his meal before taking a few bites. He shook his head, scoffing. ”Your food was always crap, wasn't it?”

”You still think it is? Ha, guess you aren't wrong. It was always your father, who was the better cook than me. He was better at most things than me.”

”I'm not going to disagree there.” He whispered, spinning his fork around. ”Why did you call me home?”

”I had the chance to talk to some of your friends. They all seem nice. Especially that girl Zinnia. She came and said hello earlier this morning. I was going to wake you, but I thought I'd let you get some rest. You were always up at the crack of dawn and gone before anyone could wake.”

”I did that to run away from this damn village.”

”Is Zinnia your girlfriend? No, that's not right, no girl ever liked the barbaric weirdo you were. But you have a crush on her.”

Gale froze snapped his head away hissing. ”What makes you say that?”

”Your reaction says it all. Besides, I'm your mother. I know these things. Even if you were gone for so long…” She sighed, looking down at her plate. ”I missed you son.”

”I had no intention of coming.”

”I know you didn't. It's why we hired those streamers. It's why we've been holding out for so long on our own. Dragging you into this was the last thing I wanted to do. I know how much you hated this village. Staying here was nothing more than a burden for you. After your father died, everyone knew that. When we heard what happened to grandma, it was even more clear coming home would only make things worse. Bringing you home was our last resort. You must understand that.”

Gale stood up, scooping the remains on his meal into the bin. ”Don't blame yourself.” Unable to say anything else Gale stormed outside sitting on the porch to the small hut. He took a deep breath watching the village come to life. He began to shake his head, feeling like an idiot for being too afraid to admit his wrongdoings. Looking back up, he saw Zinnia walking by. ”Hey, Zinnia.”

”Oh, good afternoon, Gale. Did you sleep well?”

”For the most part. Where's Alton?”

”He left early this morning with Scarlett and the children. They wanted to go fishing.”

”What's your take on the two?”

”Alton and Scarlett?”

”Yeah? You think they make a good pair?”

Zinnia kept tapping her chin, thinking of the right words. ”I disagree. Something feels off about the whole thing. You don't make moves on someone that quickly.”

”Someone sounds jealous.”

”I have no reason to be jealous! I have stated serval times my feelings for Alton are strictly professional. I see him as nothing more than a friend. He's my best friend, in fact. Any other sort of feelings for him is absurd. It's not that he isn't a good guy. He has saved me serval times and risked his own life to help me. And I must admit he does have a unique aura to him. But I just find him interesting, that's all. He's unlike anyone I've ever met. But it's best not to take that out of context. I just very much admire him nothing more nothing less. So, in those circumstances, if he does truly like Scarlett than I am happy for him.”

”You could have just said no…”

Zinnia wagged her finger around, trying to play the whole ordeal off. ”If we are on the topic of love, then what about you? I've read your emotions plenty of times. Under all that bulk and exotic nature, you have love locked away. Why don't we discuss your feelings?”

”Alright, alright. I yield, I yield. You fair maiden have won this fight.”

”Hmm, hell yeah I have.” She bolded claimed flicking her hair back. ”I'm awesome. Huh?”

Gale looked into the forest as a little girl came running with cuts all over her. She tumbled forward as the two ran over to her. ”Are you alright? You're one of the children who went with Alton? What happened?”