Chapter 55: A New Dawn (1/2)
The night proved to be a reasonably peaceful at best. However, there was a small surface of Moss thanks to the quick actions of Alton and Scarlett they were handled before causing any real damage. Now the sun had risen and the real challenge would begin. Being informed that the Moss is much more active during the day Alton, with little rest, moved onto the next line of defences. Carrying a broad set of logs, he stopped overhearing serval children arguing with Scarlett. Alton wandered over yawning all while trying to get his words out. ”What's going on?”
”You're Alton? The leader of Team Rhapsody?”
”I'm Alton, yes, but you've got it all wrong. Zinnia is the leader, not me. You must be Gale's little brother it like looking at a mirror when it comes to you two.”
”My name is Lucas.” He responded. ”My friends and I wanted to go fishing down by the coast, but this scary woman refuses.”
”Scary? I must say I am terribly offended by such claims. Your mind may not have developed enough to apricate a real woman, but I'll have you kids know this here is the ideal woman. Alton agrees.”
”I what?!” He yelps. ”I did not say such things.”
”Actions speak much louder than words. I've seen you looking.”
”Have not!”
”I'm only joking.”
Alton cleared his throat, turning to the children. ”Scarlett is right though. It's dangerous out there. Too many people have gone missing.” The kids all frowned looking disappointed as Alton nudged Scarlett. ”That's why we will come with you?”
”I beg your pardon?”
”I need to fortify that area anywhere, so, we can escort the children there, and while I'm raising our defences you can watch the kids.”
”Babysitting?! I must protest. I Scarlett Dawn am no babysitter!”
”Oh, that's fine, I guess. I'll protect them all by myself, I guess. If something were to happen, I wouldn't be sure if I could protect them. I could end up dying.”
”I know what you are doing. You are trying to guilt me into taking sides. I don't do that. It won't work.” Scarlett claims before looking away. ”But it would be nice to spend some time with our leader.”
”Oh, really?” He snorts. ”Sounds like one big excuse. Besides I'm not the leader of Rhapsody.”
”Even so. A day with my dear sweet Alton is a day well spent.”
”You think of me too highly.” He said half-heartedly feeling almost bad that Scarlett was that fond of him. ”Come on than kids; daylight is breaking.”
The children all took hold of their flimsy fishing rods running ahead as Scarlett sighed. ”I really don't see the point in kids doing all of this.”
”They're just kids being kids. No harmed done. Don't tell me you weren't like that as a kid?”
”I cannot say I was. Being brought up as a Dawn, I was taught from a very young age respect and dignity. I never went to any public schools, nor was I allowed to play with the other children. I was raised in the care of my servants and tutors.”
”Sounds rough. I know how that feels, though, although having no childhood at all is never healthy. Being brought up as nothing more than a tool for your family is nothing more than horrible.”
Scarlett kept walking through the stream, debating how to respond. She gives a dead chuckle. ”I suppose you are not wrong there. Nonetheless, it was not all bad. I was taught ballet from a very young age. I had the best teachers in the country, I am not one to brag, but I am pretty good. Also, I learned both French and Spanish. As well as that I did quite a bit of painting although I was never quite good at it.”
”Sounds like something your parents wanted, not you.”
”Don't parents always want what is best for their child? Both my mother and father raised my well enough, I don't hold any sort of grudge against them, and I can't exactly compare that to anyone else when neither Zinnia nor Emil knew their family and Percy lost his father at an early age. Gale seems to have grips with his mother, as well.”
”We sure are a bunch of misfits, huh? Speaking of Gale, what do you think his deal is?”
”What do you mean?”
Alton shrugs his shoulders. ”Ah, I don't know. He was so reluctant to come here, and he didn't want us helping.”
”You think he's hiding something?”
”No. I think it's more the lines he ashamed of something.” Alton said in a conflicted manner as Lucas turned to them both. ”Say Lucas what can you tell us about your brother?”
”I don't know much. He ran away from home when I was only a baby. Mummy and he got into a fight, and he left.” He recalled looking confused. ”But he's back now, and he can protect us forever.”