Chapter 21: I will make them pay 1 (1/2)
At a local theatre behind the most popular brothel in the capital Měiróng yuàn.
Su Liya and Zhu Fengyin were seated at one of the single tables lining the upper level overlooking the wide stage. On the stage opposite them, the theatre troupe put up a musical.
The play was interesting and had most of the audience captivated, Zhu Fengyin included. Zhu Fengyin wanted to experience all the capitals attractions and so far they had done exactly that.
The theatre was their last stop before heading home. They have been seated for close to an hour, Su Liya could feel her leg getting numb. She excused herself and walked out to the balcony to stretch her leg.
The balcony faced the back entrance of Měiróng yuàn, Su Liya was a little curious about the brothel. In the novel, Měiróng yuàn was written as a gambling den of information disguised as a brothel, owned by Minister Zhu. The women collected information for the minister, who sold them for a fee.
The Guests who frequented Měiróng yuàn were powerful men with deep pockets and big secrets. Měiróng yuàn offered them a secure and high-class hunting den, where they went to wind down and enjoy themselves.
The male guests were offered in abundance, good Wine and the company of beautiful women. Two of the main ingredients in the recipe for destruction for powerful men. Once drunk the men were tricked into spilling all their secrets which Minister Zhu used for his benefit.
Su Liya watched as a carriage packed just outside the back entrance and two tall men got down. Which was odd since most customers made use of the front door. To make use of the back door they were most definitely cohorts with Minister Zhu.
They certainly fit the role since they looked very wealthy dressed in a high-quality silk suit. She had come in contact with a lot of silks and jewellery during her short time as Zhu Fengyin's maid.
She could easily recognise high-quality materials on sight. Everything the men wore from clothes to jewellery was all high quality, The carriage rode away almost immediately, leaving both men at the door. Both men backed the theatre, she couldn't identify them.
Su Liya moved closer to get a clearer view of them. Both men though tall were of different heights. The man at the right which was dressed in brown with packed his hair up in a tight bun was slimmer and taller.
While the other man dressed in dark blue robes, one half of his hair was packed loosely at his back while the other half of his wavy ink-black hair was left down. He had a fuller frame compared to his friend. The hairpin on his head and his frame felt familiar, however, she couldn't remember where she had seen it.
She could only watch silently as the familiar man at the left knocked briefly at the door, seconds later the door was pulled open by a heavily made-up older lady in a light pink gauzy gown.
The woman bowed at both men, She exchanged a few words with the familiar man who had walked closer. Su Liya was too far to hear what they had said but it didn't seem to be anything good.
They must have concluded because the woman stepped aside to let them in while the man in dark blue robes turned back to call his friend over.
Su Liya hid behind a pillar as soon as the man turned back, he was none other than Zhu Faye. She hid behind the pillar for a few minutes only coming out some minutes later.
The street was empty when she was out from her hiding spot. She let out a breath she had unknowingly held and leaned by the wall. From how secretive Zhu Faye and his buddy acted, she guessed that the second man was the Sixth Prince.
They must be up to no good as usual, Zhu's Faye and Zhongshan Cheng. Most of their evilest and bloodiest schemes were planned in Měiróng yuàn.
Zhu Faye and Zhongshan were both scumbags, who had no respect for human life. They were both her most hated characters, they embodied every vice possible. Whatever scene they both appeared in usually ended bloody.
These black-hearted men were always so ruthless and throughout the first book got away with everything they did. Su Liya disliked them so much that she usually skipped their scenes.
Back then she didn't take that to heart definitely because she never imagined that she would one day find herself transmigrated into the novel. However, she was now starting to regret not paying attention to the manipulative paid.
A complete knowledge would have given her an edge against their ministration now that she was stuck in the book. She couldn't turn back the hands of the clock, she would make do with what she had.
Zhu Faye and Zhongshan Cheng orchestrate a lot of schemes in the book and since she had skipped most of their scenes together, She couldn't identify which of the schemes they orchestrated at this point.