Chapter 20: The girl in white 2 (1/2)

A street away from Minister Zhu's residence

Zhu Fenfang knocked lightly on the carriage wall alerting the footman to stop the carriage. she rushed down when the carriage came to a stop. She ran forward and pulled the child into her hands. Her speed was a little high, she fell with the child in her hands.

To prevent the little child from getting hurt, Zhu Fenfang pulled the child closer to her belly. She hugged the child tighter and wrapped her hands around the child. Zhu Fenfang shut her eye and braced herself for the painful landing.

when she felt someone grab her arm tightly and held her up. She was pulled into a hard warm embrace and shifted to the side of the road and away from the upcoming carriage. Her eyes fluttered twice before her eyelids gave way to reveal her bright bold eyes and long lashes.

A pale masculine face with slanted cat eyes, pointed nose and thin light pink lips look down at her. Whoever this is was quite handsome, Zhu Fenfang blinked twice in shock.

Her saviour pulls her higher and helped her get steady before taking a step back. the little girl of about four to five years shifted in her hands drawing her attention away from the tall man in brown silk robes.

She looked down at the child in her hands, the child face was red and scrunched up, tears and snot ran down her face, as her lips were bent down slightly. Zhu Fenfang bends low to her eye level and gently wiped the tears from her face. ”Don't cry, you are safe now”, Zhu Fenfang said smiling.

The child trembled, her eyes puffed up. Her previous low cry got louder, Zhu Fenfang pulled her closer and patted her back gently. she held her until her cry stopped before holding her forward and wiping her tear away once more.

At which point the mother of the child ran up to Zhu Fenfang. Her face was filled with worry and then relief as she finally found her child. She hugged her daughter tight, taking in her side baby smell then carried her up.

”thank you a lot, for saving my daughter's life young Miss”, the child's mother a slim woman in loose faded clothes said. She looked up to the tall young Master standing next to the young mistress and bowed.

Zhu Fenfang replied smiling ”There's no need to thank me”. She pinched the child's puffy cheeks affectionately and said ”goodbye my little friend”.

The mother nodded and thanked them once more and left with her child in her hands. Zhu Fenfang watched the mother and child leave, with a look of longing. The mother's concern and relief reminded her of her latest mother

it had been a while since she had felt this way, her mother had been dead for 7 years but she missed her every day. More so when the anniversary of her death was around the corner. The anniversary of her mother's death was in two days yet no one made any preparations for her anniversary.

Even concubines in other families were given a memorial ceremony but her poor mother got nothing for the past 7 years. Her father didn't even acknowledge her mother's death, even in her death, her mother could never compare to Zhu Fengyin's mother, the beautiful Princess Bai.