9 Episode 8 Followed to the base of the orcs.txt (1/2)

It's been several hours since Bellamus followed the orc.

In a previous life, Bellamus had served in the army when he was young and was often followed by orcs.

His small size made him more difficult to spot, and he was able to follow the orcs without being noticed.

They arrived at the enemy's base, where King Rydos is believed to be.

They arrived much earlier than Bellamus had expected.

The base is a fort made of wood.

There's a decent amount of orcs here.

There are about 30 orcs, which is quite a lot, and although they haven't fully practiced to increase their magical power, Bellamus decided that even if there were that many orcs, it wouldn't be too much.

However, he was slightly concerned about King Rydos, whose strength was unknown to him.

He might be an orc, but an orc that had evolved over time was quite strong.

It was quite unlikely, but it might be an Orc that had evolved to its final form.

Then they might not be able to win.

But as long as there was a chance that the orcs would attack the goblin village, there was no choice but to draw on Bellamus.

Belamus was sneaking closer to the fort.

I wondered if King Rydes wanted to attack in the first place, so I decided to use my magic to improve my hearing and concentration to listen to the exchange inside the fort.

I don't know what kind of personality King Rydes has.

Maybe he decides to leave the goblin village alone, thinking it's not a reasonable thing to have to fight a powerful enemy that isn't very good at it. If they won't attack you, don't bother fighting them.

Belamus moved closer to the fort so that the guards wouldn't see him and began to listen to the internal exchanges, using magic to increase his hearing and concentration.

”Master Rydos!

It was an orc who had just come from the goblin village.

”You came back, boys. Did you steal food from the goblins?

A low, authoritative voice.

Just by listening to his voice, one can imagine that he is not a young boss for a year or so, but has been the boss for many years.

''Iya...... it's a ningen in the ...... village.

'Ningenga in a goblin village? Naze?

I don't know... But I don't know why. It wouldn't let me take him in!

Nanny ......?

All at once, the air is tense.

Anyone who can hear him would know he's furious.