8 Episode 7 Repel Oak.txt (1/2)


They look like a hybrid of human and pig.

Orcs are quite large. They stand nearly three meters tall and weigh over 700 kilograms.

They are not as intelligent as humans and goblins, but they are reasonably intelligent.

Their character is arrogant and greedy.

Unlike goblins and humans, all individuals are similar in character.

Ten orcs had entered the goblin village.

Orcs are much larger than goblins.

And each orc is equipped with a golden rod.

The goblins looked at the orcs with terrified eyes.

The lead orc speaks loudly.

The goblins do not understand what he is saying. He was speaking in orcish.

He looked down at the goblins and kept talking.

The goblins are relieved that he didn't attack them all of a sudden, but they're not about to ignore him, so they call the village chief, the only one in the village who can speak Orcish.

What do you want to do to our village?

The chief spoke to him in Orcish. Unlike the other goblins, he does not seem frightened.

As if he could communicate with someone who could understand. This is now our boss's territory. If you want to live here you'll have to pay with food on a regular basis. If I refuse, you'll know.

The orcs demanded it.

We can't win this fight. The chief decides there's no choice but to take the chance.

But he decides to ask how much food they need to bring.

How much food do I have to give?

Yeah. Seven days and ten bags of meat. Mostly meat.

As he spoke, the orc took out a bag and placed it in front of the chief.

It's a huge bag! Big enough to hold three whole goblins.

If we gave them ten bags in seven days, the goblins would have nothing to eat.

Impossible. If we give them this many, they will starve.

I don't care. You goblins can live long enough to eat grass and slop mud off the ground.

”Na...... goblins what's ...... impossible anyway, it's impossible! I'm going to cut back a little more on that!

The chief said a little hoarsely.

”Hey, Oberoda. Let's kill one for good measure.

Just as the first orc said it. One of the orcs behind him said, ”Yes sir!” and raised his club, ready to swing it at a nearby goblin.

”No, no!

When the village chief tried to enter the stopper.

”Rock Blast.

A voice could be heard from a bit far away, and soon after that .

A rock flew in a straight line at high speed and hit the orc who was raising his club.

The impact was so strong that the orc fell backward and passed out.

”Anything that hurts these goblins will not be tolerated by me.

He sounded almost too stern for a five-year-old.

When he rushed in from the commotion, he saw that the goblin was about to be killed, so he hurriedly unleashed a rock blast, a spell that sent rocks flying out of the sky at high speed.


What are you doing?

Is it magic?

The goblins are in an uproar.

Bellamus walked slowly to the orc.