74 Old Friend: Part 17 (1/2)
A Week Later
1500 Hours. School Library.
Three students were sitting on the table in that library. Iris was away due to her failing the examination on Tuesday. They were waiting for her in that library. Lizeth was the only person that knew that everyone that was in the library was a contractor. At that point, Lynn could be a level 80 contractor. Clara might be a level 30 contractor.
”Iris. Where's she?” Clara asked.
”You know, the usual, failing an exam,” Lynn said.
”She's not retarded. She's only a little bit different,” Lizeth said.
”Are you trying to say that she's an idiot?” Lynn asked.
”Mmm... Sort of. You see, last Thursday, she sold an AR-15 to an unknown person,” Lizeth said.
”AR-15? That assault rifle?” Clara asked Lizeth.
”Yup. That friend of ours brought an assault rifle to the school inside her bag,” Lizeth said and Lynn listened.
”Well, If she wants money, she will do anything won't she?” Lynn said.
”I agree with you Lynn,” Clara said to her.
As usual, Lynn and Lizeth had coffee and Clara had tea in their mugs. The library was their club room after all since all of them were a librarian.
Someone just slammed on the door. Lynn took a look and it was their seniors and some of their friends. Most of them were bullies that were extorting the club for protection money. Were they used to be afraid of Lizeth?
”Afternoon fellas,” one of them said.
”Do you have the protection money?” The other person said.
Clara and Lizeth had already known that it would come into this, but Lynn, on the other hand, hadn't known about it yet. Whatever she carried, she was putting her hand inside her coat pocket.
Meanwhile, Lizeth and Clara were already grabbing their wallet for paying the protection money so the problem would be done without causing further complications for them.
”Sorry fellas, but I didn't bring any wallet for today,” Lynn said to them.
”Don't worry, we will pay for her,” Clara said as she grabbed some money from her wallet.
”Ah, It's ok, we ain't coming here for the money,” Lizeth observed the threats.
Five students were carrying baseball bats, six were carrying brass knuckles, and three of them were carrying a bamboo sword. It looked like they were going to attack them.
”We're here to send a message.”
Fourteen students with three of their seniors. Seventeen students were going to attack them and harm them. With PKP or MG5, it would be done quickly, but you couldn't use a machine gun to deal with school bullies. These guys were serious from the looks of it.
One of the seniors pulled a knife from her pocket and tried to stab Lynn, but she got stopped by Lynn's CQC skill. In a nutshell, she was disarmed.
”What kind of knife is this?” Lynn said as she took the knife from that senior's hand. The other seniors didn't dare to attack Lynn after seeing that, ”Is this the knife from the cooking class?” Lynn threw away that knife.
Clara and Lizeth looked on each other, both of them were holding back, unlike Lynn. Still, if Lynn was going to fight, they would help her. Lizeth was sure that Lynn and Clara concealed some kind of weaponry.
”Let me show you how to fight,” Lynn grabbed that senior hands and threw her to the bookrack and knocked her out of the game.
'I just finished cleaning this library last week,' Lizeth observed that student who had passed out from Lynn's throw.
Of course, action would result in an equal reaction. The other senior pulled a knife out of her pocket and ran towards Lynn. Lizeth looked at Clara who was pulling a baton outside of her pocket.
”Clara? Since when you're carrying a baton?” Lizeth asked her.
”Really? Then what is that thing that you're holding on your right hand?” Clara looked at Lizeth who was holding a baton on her right hand.
”Ok, let's go, let Lynn take care of the seniors while we're going to take care of the others,” Lizeth and Clara extended their batons and they charged to the students who were watching their senior desperately fighting Lynn.
Lynn swung her baton to the knee of the student who was holding a bamboo sword and knocked her out with a smack on the back of her head. Clara choked one of the students by hitting the end of her baton to that student's neck.
Lynn finished beating up her seniors and saw two of her friends were literally disabling their attackers one by one. It made Lynn wondered whether Lizeth was an ordinary person or not. Clara was expected, but Lynn wasn't.