112 Eagle Eyes (1/2)
Their journey was uneventful as this group of seven soldiers almost successfully arrived at their destination without any mishaps.
Within their sight was a five meter tall wall made out of galvanized steel roof, wooden planks and whatnot including even large wheels and tires with barbed wires on top with a single watchtower at the gate.
The two sentries at the gate immediately saw the approaching group and their countenance immediately turned serious as they loaded their guns and pointed it towards the incoming group of armed people as they also yelled behind them and some reinforcement immediately came atop the walls and looked cautiously at the approaching group of armed men. This people are actually soldiers but their weapons seemingly suffered a drop in quality as almost of them are using old bolt action rifles while some are even using crossbows.
Then, then the seven Delta Force soldiers immediately came onto a screeching halt as they stopped a few yards away from the wall.
Then their Captain took a few steps forward with his arms and rifle in their and said, ”Don't shoot! I'm Captain Reed of Delta Force! Me and my team had been trapped for quite a while in Stonehaven and only managed to arrived here after a perilous journey that took a few hours just to arrive here! Is Colonel Russell present!? He would be able to confirm who we are! I want to speak to him!”
At the wall.
”Sir, what do we do? He says he's from Delta. Well, it's pretty obvious with the insignia on their arms” a soldier armed with a crossbow asked the man beside him.
The person in question has a complicated look on his face as he didn't want to bother Commanding Officer of this compound but with an armed group of people claiming they are from the Delta Force and even wearing their combat uniforms and most of all, they are also armed with high caliber weapons. A vast difference between themselves.
But if they are really what they said they are, then the compounds strength would rise at a least level than before.
But this person wasn't sure if he really should believe this person's words. After all, Colonel Russell is the highest officer within the compound and it's already below him to attend matters like this one with how busy the said person is in the running the place smoothly.
'But what if he was telling the truth? Then that would be trouble if I didn't heed their words' the person with a rank of Second Lieutenant massaged his temple in contemplation.
The Lieutenant then just sighed and gave the order to the soldier beside him, ”Go and report it to Colonel Russell about what's happening here”
”Yes sir!” the soldier gave a salute before hurrying towards the command center in the middle of the compound.
Outside the wall.
Captain Reed immediately sighed in relief when he saw a soldier leaving off from the wall while others put down their aimed weapons at them, down.
A few minutes later.
Captain Reed and the rest could clearly hear the hurried footsteps at the other side along with fierce shouting and with that, the gate at the wall slowly opened up as a black man along with a couple of soldiers, stepped out of the gate.
The two groups then met up as they stood opposite of each other.
The black man around fifty years of age smiled and immediately walked over to Captain Reeds while the latter also did the same.
Then they clasped both each others right hand and gave each other a good pat on their backs.
”You're alive kiddo Reed! Welcome back from ”hell”! Mwahaha!”
”It's good to see you still alive and kicking Colonel!”
'It seems the two are familiar with each other' the Lieutenant earlier heave a sigh of relief.
”Come! Before those beast gets wind of us here!” Russell gestured for them to enter the walled compound.