226 Lin Zhou: The Truth 4 (1/2)

”Of course, about the man who gave you poison and told you to ruin Xiao Fang's family...” Yao Ling deliberately didn't say the man who forced himself on her, otherwise, it would agitate the woman once more. Yao Ling had seen when the poor Han Xiang talked about the poison, she didn't have a big reaction unlike when she said that she was forced by the man. It seemed like she had a mental trauma once she remembered that part.

The Ce Fei tragedy had repeated itself. What if Xiao Fang was on Han Xiang's position? Would she be treated the same as Han Xiang? Yao Ling shuddered at the thought... It was too scary to imagine. She couldn't imagine herself in Han Xiang's position... That man was beyond evil.

Han Xiang shook her head like she was given a death sentence --- she was in deep fear. ”I... I can't tell you. That man is very dangerous... and no one... no one will be able to touch him... He's too cruel... He has no boundaries... no one will be able to defeat him...” She talked in distress.

Yao Ying and Yao Ling looked at each other. This fear wasn't an ordinary fear --- it was like the fear was embedded deep into her even in her unconscious state. They wondered what else that she had been through but they had no time to feel pity for her, because they had limited time.

Yao Ling tried to soothe her, ”Don't worry! It's okay... just tell me who he is and we will handle him for you...” She persuaded with a soft mesmerizing tone.

”Really? You can handle him?” Han Xiang asked with a voice and expression full of hope just like a little girl, even though both of her eyes were closed.

”Yes, we will help you... as long as you tell me who he is...” Yao Ling coaxed her once more.

”As long as you can handle him... I will tell you. Please... kill him for me! Kill him for me!” Han Xiang said with deep hatred. Han Xiang's mind had been blinded by hatred --- she hated her friends and foes... With such a crazy state, Yao Ling didn't know how she would be able to live the rest of her life after this.

”Yes... yes... we will... we will also give you a happy life with a new man... Do you want it?” Yao Ling asked. She wanted to know what Han Xiang's desire was by giving her a suggestion.

”I want... I want... As long as it isn't that man... as long as it isn't him...” Han Xiang answered. ”As long as the man loves me, I will let go of everything. Even if I don't have the 'princess' title, I will be beyond happy... I just want to live peacefully...”

Xiao Fang's body stiffened when she heard what Han Xiang said. She meekly asked the trio, ”Can we help her fulfill this? I owe her that much...” She couldn't bear to let Han Xiang stay this way or she would feel guilty for the rest of her life. She really wanted to cut off their friendship... she did... but... they had been friends for so long. So how could she abandon her when they could help her by giving her a closure? A new life... Han Xiang yearned for a new life...

Yao Ling sighed. ”I can help her with that... But we need to know who the man is...”

Xiao Fang nodded her head and stopped talking, then she let Yao Ling do the talking once again. Yao Ling asked in a soothing voice, ”So... can you tell me the man's name?”

”I... I don't dare to say his name...” Han Xiang said while her body started to sweat due to the distress that she had unconsciously felt.

”Why?” Yao Ling asked again.

”Because he's Father Emperor ah~!” Han Xiang answered.