Chapter 431 - The First Stretch Of The Trip (2) (2/2)
Polo then bowed his head and ran towards my children.
”I think he can feel an attraction to your children.” Saniyah said. ”Like I said before, your children have some kind of aura that can draw people near them.” She smiled.
”I am happy if your son can be friends with my children.” I replied. ”It can strengthen the connection between lycans and humans.”
”Yes, I believe so.” Saniyah replied.
We look at our children while playing with each other with glee.
When the sun has set, Regaleon took me to the private pool that Belgor had mentioned him. The location of the private pool was hidden behind the waterfall.
The fire that lit the cave like structure was reflected on the water. The walls of the cave were shimmering. If you look closely at the walls, there were jewel like stones sticking on them. They were reflecting the light and was shimmering like stars in the night sky.
”I am wondering what you are wearing under that robe.” Regaleon teasingly asked.
Because I did not anticipate swimming any time soon, I did not pack any swim wear. Thankfully, Saniyah had given me a swim wear that was the right size for me. As she mentioned, the size was for young lycan women. I was a little embarrassed that my size was that of a lycan who is only starting to mature into adulthood.
”Saniyah has given me a swim wear for tonight's occasion.” I replied to Regaleon with a sweet smile.
”You know you do not need any swim wear or whatsoever.” Regaleon smiled mischievously. ”It is only the two of us here. No one will see.” He teasingly said.
”Hehe…” I giggled. ”We are still guests here. I want to at least maintain a proper decorum.”
”Very well.” Regaleon shrugged his shoulder. He took off his robe and revealed his well toned body.
I gulped after seeing the sight of his perfectly sculpted body. I know I should be used to seeing his body after the years we have been together, but I am still at awe seeing his well defined muscles that is hidden under his clothes.
Regaleon took a step into the pool and then look around. He extended his hand to me and smiled.
”Come…” Regaleon said. ”The water temperature is great.”
I took off my robe and the black swim wear was visible for Regaleon to see. His eyes went wide open seeing me wearing it. The swim wear was a one piece, but the cuts were in good positions that made my body's curves more prominent.
I took Regaleon's hand, and he ushered me into the center of the pool. There, Regaleon wrapped his arms around me, and we floated easily. The water was just the right temperature, making my body relax.
”Remind me that I should thank Saniyah later.” Regaleon whispered into my ear. ”The swim wear she had given you makes your body more luscious.”
I blushed after hearing Regaleon's word. His tone was so seductive that my body felt shivers.
”I am glad you like it.” I replied with a smile.
Regaleon and I were embracing while floating on the pool. I was relishing this peaceful moment together with my husband.
We were reeling at our own world when Regaleon and I heard some commotion outside.
”What is the noise outside?” I asked out of confusion.
”Wait here.” Regaleon swam to the side of the pool and came out. He took his robe and wore it.
”Let me go with you.” I said.
I swam to the side and wore the robe I have discarded a while ago. Regaleon took my hand, and we went out of the cave that was hidden behind the waterfall. When we got out, we were shocked with the sight that greeted us.
Fire was spreading unto the lycan's houses. Lycans were running around and trying to put off the fire. Both of us ran down with urgency. The thought that was lingering in my mind were my children.
'Let them be safe.' I thought to myself.
”What is happening?” Regaleon asked a lycan that was franticly getting water from the pool.
”We… we are under attack!” The lycan replied.
”Under attack? By whom?” Regaleon asked in shock.
”I am not sure…” The lycan replied. ”But the elders called them… wargs.”
”Wargs?” Regaleon asked.
”There…” The lycan pointed out.
There was a creature standing on a roof of a house. It looked like a huge wolf. I thought it was a lycan that had shifted. But when the said creature walked near the fire and illuminates its body, the form was hideous. It looked like a lycan that has shifted, but the looks were so grotesque that it looked like a monster. The monster howled into the night sky. Many others followed the howl, hinting to others in the vicinity.
”What is that?” I asked in shock.