Chapter 432 - Wargs (1) (1/2)

”What is that?!” I asked in shock.

The lycan like creatures leaped down from where they were standing and started to attack the people. Many lycans shifted to their animal form and quickly defended themselves from these attackers.

But not all the lycans in this settlement are warriors. Many of them are only normal civilians and does not know how to fight. Seeing the lycans being outmatched by these horrid creatures made my heart sink.

”Lili, get back to the kids and make sure they are fine!” Regaleon said in a commanding tone that made me get back into attention. ”I will help the lycans push back these attackers.”

”I understand.” I nodded in agreement.

Seeing as there are not much lycan warriors in this settlement, they are at a disadvantage with these attackers launching a surprise attack. Not only that, but we also do not know what kind of creatures they are as well.

I hurriedly ran towards the directions in which my twins where staying. Seeing the wooden cabin houses burning made me more nervous.

'Please be okay…' I prayed inside my heart.

On the way, I can see these horrid creatures attacking with their sharp teeth and claws. They are chewing the helpless lycans and I can see blood being sprayed all over the place.

”This is a nightmare.” I said with a horrid look.

I saw a helpless she-lycan trying to defend a little boy that is still in human form. She was being bitten by the neck by one of these horrid creatures.

”Get away from them!” I shouted.

I used my magic and conjured a huge ice spike from the ground where the horrid creature was standing. The creature was then impaled from its belly and dark reddish blood that was nearly black in color pooled down its body. The creatures whimpered before it breathed its last.

I quickly ran towards the she-lycan and saw her neck bleeding from the bite of the creature.

”Mama… mama!” The little boy was crying while caressing the huge wolf-like body of his mother.

”Let me take a look little one.” I said.

I looked at the bite marks and instantly knew that it was too late to save her. I clenched my fist feeling helpless in such a situation. I tore my dress and held the cloth to the bleeding wound around the neck of the she-lycan to try and stop it.

”Hold this tightly.” I told the little boy. ”I will find help.”

”Will she die?” The little boy asked me.

My heart felt an ache when he asked me such a question that I could not answer. I knew that I could not lie to this little boy about his mother, but I also could not bear and see his pain if I told him the truth.

”Stay here, okay?” I told him. ”I will conjure a protective ice barrier so that you could be safe. I will find someone to help you and your mother.”

The little boy whose tears were overflowing from his eyes and flowed to his cheeks nodded his little head. I conjured an ice dome that was thick just to make sure they were safe while I go and get some help.

I quickly ran to the direction of the cabin where my twins were. I am sure that there would be knights stationed there that are defending my children. I can also have them come back and take care of the lycan mother and son.

The surroundings were burning along the way. I was not able to see any of the creatures while running that made me quite curious. In a clearing where there were no cabins burning, I saw three of these creatures roaming around. I was shocked in place and the three creatures sensed my presence immediately. Their heads turned and their bodies followed when they saw me.